खोजे गए परिणाम

सहेजे गए शब्द

"कौकबी-यौम" शब्द से संबंधित परिणाम


رک : کوکبی دن.


the sidereal day, the time between two consecutive transits of the First Point of Aries. It represents the time taken by the earth to rotate on its axis relative to the stars, and is almost four minutes shorter than the solar day because of the earth's orbital motion

हिन्दी, इंग्लिश और उर्दू में कौकबी-यौम के अर्थदेखिए


kaukabii-yaumکَوکَبی یَوم

देखिए: कौकबी-दिन

کَوکَبی یَوم کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • رک : کوکبی دن.

Urdu meaning of kaukabii-yaum

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ruk ha kaukabii din

खोजे गए शब्द से संबंधित


رک : کوکبی دن.


the sidereal day, the time between two consecutive transits of the First Point of Aries. It represents the time taken by the earth to rotate on its axis relative to the stars, and is almost four minutes shorter than the solar day because of the earth's orbital motion

संदर्भग्रंथ सूची: रेख़्ता डिक्शनरी में उपयोग किये गये स्रोतों की सूची देखें .

सुझाव दीजिए (कौकबी-यौम)





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