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Showing results for "kachchaa-paanii"


water that has not been boiled or cooked, plain water, fresh water

kachche gha.De me.n paanii bharvaanaa

To make one to undertake a difficult or impossible job.

kachche gha.De paanii bharvaanaa

lit. 'to make (one) bring water with a pitcher of unbaked clay', to make one pass through a difficult ordeal

paanii ke kachche gha.De bharvaanaa

ask someone to do something impossible

kachche gha.De paanii bharnaa

to bring water with a pitcher of uncooked clay

kachche gha.De kii piinaa

دیسی شراب پینا ؛ نادانی سے کوئی فعل کرنا

abhii kachche gha.De paanii ke bharne hai.n

آئندہ بہت سی مشکلیں پیش آنے والی ہیں

kachchaa duudh piinaa

طبیعت میں خامی ہونا، سہو و خطا کا امکان ہونا

kachchaa shiir piinaa

کچّا دودھ پینا، کچے شیر سے مراد انسان کا دودھ ہوتا ہے

Meaning ofSee meaning kachchaa-paanii in English, Hindi & Urdu


कच्चा-पानीکَچّا پانی

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 2222

English meaning of kachchaa-paanii

Noun, Masculine

  • water that has not been boiled or cooked, plain water, fresh water

कच्चा-पानी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • ऐसा पानी जो औटाया या पकाया न गया हो, सादा पानी, ताज़ा पानी

کَچّا پانی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • بغیر پکایا ہوا، سادہ پانی، تازہ پانی

Urdu meaning of kachchaa-paanii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • bagair pakaayaa hu.a, saadaa paanii, taaza paanii

Related searched words


water that has not been boiled or cooked, plain water, fresh water

kachche gha.De me.n paanii bharvaanaa

To make one to undertake a difficult or impossible job.

kachche gha.De paanii bharvaanaa

lit. 'to make (one) bring water with a pitcher of unbaked clay', to make one pass through a difficult ordeal

paanii ke kachche gha.De bharvaanaa

ask someone to do something impossible

kachche gha.De paanii bharnaa

to bring water with a pitcher of uncooked clay

kachche gha.De kii piinaa

دیسی شراب پینا ؛ نادانی سے کوئی فعل کرنا

abhii kachche gha.De paanii ke bharne hai.n

آئندہ بہت سی مشکلیں پیش آنے والی ہیں

kachchaa duudh piinaa

طبیعت میں خامی ہونا، سہو و خطا کا امکان ہونا

kachchaa shiir piinaa

کچّا دودھ پینا، کچے شیر سے مراد انسان کا دودھ ہوتا ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of kachchaapaanee, English meaning of kachchaapaani

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