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Showing results for "jiibh kaaTnaa"

jiibh kaaTnaa

to stop one's tongue by signs, to forbid by signs, (from the Persian) to grant the request (of a petitioner), to bite the tongue in astonishment, to be struck with terror or astonishment

Meaning ofSee meaning jiibh kaaTnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

jiibh kaaTnaa

जीभ काटनाجِیبھ کاٹْنا


English meaning of jiibh kaaTnaa

  • to stop one's tongue by signs, to forbid by signs, (from the Persian) to grant the request (of a petitioner), to bite the tongue in astonishment, to be struck with terror or astonishment

जीभ काटना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • किसी व्यक्ति को इशारे से बात करने से रोकना, इशारे से रोकना, आवेदन स्वीकार करना; चकित होकर ज़बान दांतों के बीच लाना, चकित होना, भयभीत होना

جِیبھ کاٹْنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • کسی شخص کو اشارے سے بات کرنے سے روکنا ، اشارے سے منع کرنا؛ درخواست قبول کرنا؛ حیرت سے زبان دانتوں کے درمیان لانا ، حیران ہونا؛ خوفزدہ ہونا.

Urdu meaning of jiibh kaaTnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kisii shaKhs ko ishaare se baat karne se roknaa, ishaare se manaa karnaa; darKhaast qabuul karnaa; hairat se zabaan daa.nto.n ke daramyaan laanaa, hairaan honaa; Khaufazdaa honaa

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jiibh kaaTnaa

to stop one's tongue by signs, to forbid by signs, (from the Persian) to grant the request (of a petitioner), to bite the tongue in astonishment, to be struck with terror or astonishment

Showing search results for: English meaning of jeebh kaatnaa, English meaning of jeebh katna

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