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Showing results for "jamog-daar"


transfer of liabilities by mutual consent, in case of loan contracted by a landowner, conditional mortgage


a deed of transfer of liabilities


a farmer, a renter, one who holds lands under a proprietor at a stipulated rate, a farmer to revenue appointed to make collections on the part of zamindar or proprietor on condition of paying a fixed sum


(ہندو) بچوں کی ایک بیماری، مسان، ام الصبیان


settle, adjust


رک : جمورا.

Meaning ofSee meaning jamog-daar in English, Hindi & Urdu


जमोग-दारجَموگ دار

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 12121

Tags: Farming Law

English meaning of jamog-daar

Noun, Masculine

  • a farmer, a renter, one who holds lands under a proprietor at a stipulated rate, a farmer to revenue appointed to make collections on the part of zamindar or proprietor on condition of paying a fixed sum
  • person who lends a sum of money to a landed proprietor and recovers the loans from the tenants
  • confiscation officer of a civil court
  • the one who give money to the landowner at the condition of Jamog

जमोग-दार के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • वह व्यक्ति जिसको किसी जागीर या क्षेत्र का कारोबार एक निश्चित अवधि के लिए दिया गया हो, गाँव को ठेके पर लेने वाला मालगुज़ार, ठेकेदार
  • दीवानी अदालत का क़ुर्क़ी प्यादा, क़ुर्क़ अधिकारी
  • वह व्यक्ति जो किसी ज़मीनदार को दिया हुआ क़र्ज़ उसके किरायेदारों से वसूल करे
  • वह व्यक्ति जो जमोग की रीति से ज़मीनदार को रुपया देता है

جَموگ دار کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • وہ شخص جس کو کسی جاگیر یا علاقے کا کاشت کاری کاروبار ایک مقررہ مدت کے لیے دیا گیا ہو، گاؤں کو ٹھیکے پر لینے والا مال گزار، مستاجر
  • دیوانی عدالت کا قرقی پیادہ، قرق امین

Urdu meaning of jamog-daar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo shaKhs jis ko kisii jaagiir ya ilaaqe ka kaashatkaarii kaarobaar ek muqarrara muddat ke li.e diyaa gayaa ho, gaanv ko Theke par lene vaala maalaguzaar, mustaajir
  • diivaanii adaalat ka qurqii piyaada, quraqaamiin

Related searched words


transfer of liabilities by mutual consent, in case of loan contracted by a landowner, conditional mortgage


a deed of transfer of liabilities


a farmer, a renter, one who holds lands under a proprietor at a stipulated rate, a farmer to revenue appointed to make collections on the part of zamindar or proprietor on condition of paying a fixed sum


(ہندو) بچوں کی ایک بیماری، مسان، ام الصبیان


settle, adjust


رک : جمورا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of jamogdaar, English meaning of jamogdar

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