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Showing results for "is tak"

is tak

upto this extent or degree, up to this

aas taknaa

wait for

is had tak

to such extent

is qaaf se us qaaf tak

مشرق سے مغرب تک ، دنیا کے ایک گوشے سے لیکر دوسرے گوشے تک.

jahaa.n tak is kaa ta'alluq hai

as far as this or that is concerned

is sire se us sire tak

throughout, from end to end

aas to.D baiThnaa

نا امید ہو جانا، آسرا جاتا رہنا

aas to.Dnaa

to disappoint, demoralize, dishearten, let down, upset

aas tu.Daanaa

transitive verb

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas baaqii

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas baaqii hai

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak saaqii, tab tak aas

As long as there is a cup-bearer or protector, there is a hope.

aas biraanii jo take, vo jiivit hii mar jaa.e

پرایا بھروسہ ڈھونڈنا بڑے شرم کی بات ہے

Meaning ofSee meaning is tak in English, Hindi & Urdu

is tak

इस तकاِس تِک

English meaning of is tak

  • upto this extent or degree, up to this

Urdu meaning of is tak

  • Roman
  • Urdu

Related searched words

is tak

upto this extent or degree, up to this

aas taknaa

wait for

is had tak

to such extent

is qaaf se us qaaf tak

مشرق سے مغرب تک ، دنیا کے ایک گوشے سے لیکر دوسرے گوشے تک.

jahaa.n tak is kaa ta'alluq hai

as far as this or that is concerned

is sire se us sire tak

throughout, from end to end

aas to.D baiThnaa

نا امید ہو جانا، آسرا جاتا رہنا

aas to.Dnaa

to disappoint, demoralize, dishearten, let down, upset

aas tu.Daanaa

transitive verb

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas baaqii

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas baaqii hai

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak saa.ns, tab tak aas

where there is life, there is hope

jab tak saaqii, tab tak aas

As long as there is a cup-bearer or protector, there is a hope.

aas biraanii jo take, vo jiivit hii mar jaa.e

پرایا بھروسہ ڈھونڈنا بڑے شرم کی بات ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of is taq

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