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Showing results for "irqaam"


act of writing


numerals, figures, numbers

'arq me.n Duubnaa

پسینے سے تر بتر ہونا ، پسینے میں شرابور ہونا.

'arq me.n Garq honaa

پسینے سے تر بتر ہونا

arqaam honaa

to be penned, to be written

arqaam karnaa

to pen, to write, to mark, to stamp

'arq me.n Duub jaanaa

پسینے سے تر بتر ہونا ، پسینے میں شرابور ہونا.


Arabic numerals


black snake with white dots at the back


writer, one who writes


(ریاضی) مخلوط رقمیں ، مرکب اعداد ۔


guinea worm, dracunculiasis, a very long parasitic nematode worm which lives under the skin of infected humans and other mammals in rural Africa and Asia


incense from the city of Qimar which is very famous


the process of absorbing moisture by veins


(Medicine) the thine and hard veins which attached to the lower and most of the intestine and move toward the porta-hepatis carrying with chyle and there the liver absorbed them



Meaning ofSee meaning irqaam in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 221

Word Family: r-q-m

English meaning of irqaam

Noun, Masculine

  • act of writing
  • numerals, figures, numbers
  • (metaphorically) written words and their meanings, wording, narration

Sher Examples

इरक़ाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • लिखित शब्द और उनका अर्थ, लिखा जाने वाला पाठ
  • काग़ज़ जिसमें कुछ लिखा हो,पत्र, लेखन

اِرْقام کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • لکھنے کا عمل، نگارش، لکھنا یا لکھا جانا
  • (مجازاً) لکھے ہوئے الفاظ اور ان کا مفہوم، عبارت جو لکھی جائے
  • کاغذ جس میں کچھ تحریر ہو، خط، تحریر، نوشتہ

Urdu meaning of irqaam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • likhne ka amal, nigaarish, likhnaa ya likhaa jaana
  • (majaazan) likhe hu.e alfaaz aur un ka mafhuum, ibaarat jo likhii jaaye
  • kaaGaz jis me.n kuchh tahriir ho, Khat-e-tahriir, navishta

Related searched words


act of writing


numerals, figures, numbers

'arq me.n Duubnaa

پسینے سے تر بتر ہونا ، پسینے میں شرابور ہونا.

'arq me.n Garq honaa

پسینے سے تر بتر ہونا

arqaam honaa

to be penned, to be written

arqaam karnaa

to pen, to write, to mark, to stamp

'arq me.n Duub jaanaa

پسینے سے تر بتر ہونا ، پسینے میں شرابور ہونا.


Arabic numerals


black snake with white dots at the back


writer, one who writes


(ریاضی) مخلوط رقمیں ، مرکب اعداد ۔


guinea worm, dracunculiasis, a very long parasitic nematode worm which lives under the skin of infected humans and other mammals in rural Africa and Asia


incense from the city of Qimar which is very famous


the process of absorbing moisture by veins


(Medicine) the thine and hard veins which attached to the lower and most of the intestine and move toward the porta-hepatis carrying with chyle and there the liver absorbed them



Showing search results for: English meaning of irkaam, English meaning of irkam

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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