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Showing results for "inkaar"


apostasy, heresy, atheism, disbelief


related to atheist, atheistic



innocent, naive, artless, inexperienced, untrained, ignorant, careless


the one and only, one of the ninety-nine names of Allah


the Guide, one of the ninety-nine names of Allah


idolatry and atheism, heresy apostasy


artlessness or playfulness of youth





separate, apart (from), asunder, disconnected, distinct


separate, separately, being apart, apart




separation, dismissal


separation, the action or state of moving or being moved apart

ilaah diin kaa charaaG

'alaahida honaa

'alaihida karnaa

dismiss (from service)

'alaihdii karnaa

'alaihida honaa

to be retired, having left one's job and ceased to work

'alaahida rakhnaa

'alaihida rakhnaa

set or keep apart




separately, piece by piece

allaah de, banda paave

allaah de banda sahe

whatever God wills, one has to accept it

'alaahida pa.Dnaa

allaah de aur banda le

whatever God wills, one has to accept it


someone who is a member of a particular race, religion, or other group within a country and who believes that this group should be independent and have their own government, separatist

allaah do deve to vo bhii qubuul hai.n

allaah de allaah dilaave, banda de muraad paave

Meaning ofSee meaning inkaar in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 221

Word Family: n-k-r

English meaning of inkaar

Noun, Masculine

Sher Examples

इनकार के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • (इच्छा या तलब इत्यादि की) आदेश के पालन से अवज्ञा का प्रदर्शन, अस्वीकृति, जवाब में नहीं करना, स्वीकार न करना, नहीं कर देना, न मानना

    उदाहरण - ख़ुदा की ख़ुदाई से कौन इनकार कर सकता है

  • आज्ञा पालन न करना, बहाना
  • परहेज़, बचाव

اِنْکار کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • ( خواہش یا طلب وغیرہ کی ) تعمیل سے عدم آمادگی کا اظہار، نامنظوری، جواب میں نہیں کرنا، تسلیم نہ کرنا، نہیں کردینا، نہ ماننا

    مثال - اس اقرار سے انکار نہیں کہ مرزا بدنصیب نے تکلیفیں بھگتیں۔" ( ١٩٠١ء، شاہین و دراج، ٦ )

  • عذر، انحراف
  • پرہیز، اجتناب

Synonyms of inkaar

Compound words of inkaar

Showing search results for: English meaning of inkar, English meaning of inqaar

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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