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Showing results for "'ilm-e-badii'"


deepest mystical awareness, gnosis, highest form of mystical experience


related to enlightenment, discernment, wisdom, intuitive knowledge, deepest mystical awareness, gnosis, highest form of mystical experience


خدا شناس ، حق آگاہ.


خدا شناس ، حق آگاہ ، عارف.


enlightenment of self


self-knowledge, self awareness


عالم ، خدا شناس.


knowledge, wisdom, discernment of self


awareness of truth, enlightenment of reality


name of the poet ahmad irfaan


enlightened person


ocean of the enlightenment of God


knowledge and enlightenment


(تصوف) وہ مرحلہ جس میں سالک کو اللہ تعالیٰ کی معرفت حاصل ہو جائے ،


learned men, the well-informed, intelligent people

Meaning ofSee meaning 'ilm-e-badii' in English, Hindi & Urdu


'इल्म-ए-बदी'عِلْمِ بَدِیع

English meaning of 'ilm-e-badii'

Noun, Masculine

  • science that discusses the rules of consistency, eloquence, rhetoric, and ingenuity in the word, so as to avoid error in stating what is appropriate at the point

'इल्म-ए-बदी' के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • वह विज्ञान जो बातों में अनुरूपता, गुण, आलंकारिक शैली और नई-नई चीज़ों और अर्थों के आने या करने के नियमों पर चर्चा करता है ताकि जिस स्थान पर जो चीज़ ठीक हो उसके वर्णन करने में कोई त्रुटि न हो

عِلْمِ بَدِیع کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • وہ عَلم جو کلام میں مطابقت ، فصاحت ، بلاغت اور صنائع بدائع کے وارد ہونے یا کر نے کے قواعد سے بحث کرتا ہے تاکہ جس مقام پر جو چیز مناسب ہو اس کے بیان کرنے میں خطا سے محفوظ رہیں .

Urdu meaning of 'ilm-e-badii'

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo ilm jo kalaam me.n mutaabiqat, fasaahat, balaaGat aur sanaa.ia badaa.e ke vaarid hone ya karne ke se behas kartaa hai taaki jis muqaam par jo chiiz munaasib ho is ke byaan karne me.n Khataa se mahfuuz rahe.n

Related searched words


deepest mystical awareness, gnosis, highest form of mystical experience


related to enlightenment, discernment, wisdom, intuitive knowledge, deepest mystical awareness, gnosis, highest form of mystical experience


خدا شناس ، حق آگاہ.


خدا شناس ، حق آگاہ ، عارف.


enlightenment of self


self-knowledge, self awareness


عالم ، خدا شناس.


knowledge, wisdom, discernment of self


awareness of truth, enlightenment of reality


name of the poet ahmad irfaan


enlightened person


ocean of the enlightenment of God


knowledge and enlightenment


(تصوف) وہ مرحلہ جس میں سالک کو اللہ تعالیٰ کی معرفت حاصل ہو جائے ،


learned men, the well-informed, intelligent people

Showing search results for: English meaning of ilmebadee, English meaning of ilmebadi

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