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Showing results for "ikau.nj"


woman who has given birth to one child only

ikau.nj se bhalii baa.njh

a woman who has never given birth to a child is better than one with only one child, something that produces very little is of no use


woman who has given birth to one child only

baa.nj achhii ikau.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child


an old game played by children with ring taw or marbles


(کوسنے کے طور پر) مٹ گیا، موا

baa.njh achhii ikaa.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child

baa.nj achhii ikaa.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child

Meaning ofSee meaning ikau.nj in English, Hindi & Urdu



Also Read As : iko.nj

Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 121

English meaning of ikau.nj

Noun, Feminine

  • woman who has given birth to one child only

इकौंज के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • वह स्त्री जिसके एक ही बच्चा पैदा हो

اِکَونْج کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • وہ عورت جس کے ایک ہی بچہ پیدا ہو

Urdu meaning of ikau.nj

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo aurat jis ke ek hii bachcha paida ho

Related searched words


woman who has given birth to one child only

ikau.nj se bhalii baa.njh

a woman who has never given birth to a child is better than one with only one child, something that produces very little is of no use


woman who has given birth to one child only

baa.nj achhii ikau.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child


an old game played by children with ring taw or marbles


(کوسنے کے طور پر) مٹ گیا، موا

baa.njh achhii ikaa.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child

baa.nj achhii ikaa.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child

Showing search results for: English meaning of ikaunj, English meaning of ikaunz

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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