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Showing results for "haramain-shariifain"


the Kaaba (which is located in the holy city of Mecca) and the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad (which is located in the holy city of Medina)

Meaning ofSee meaning haramain-shariifain in English, Hindi & Urdu


हरमैन-शरीफ़ैनحَرمَیْن شَرِیفَیْن

Origin: Arabic

Singular: haram-shariif

English meaning of haramain-shariifain

Noun, Masculine, Plural

  • the Kaaba (which is located in the holy city of Mecca) and the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad (which is located in the holy city of Medina)
  • (Metaphorically) two sacred places Makkah and Madinah

हरमैन-शरीफ़ैन के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, बहुवचन

  • काबा (जो पवित्र नगर मक्का में स्थित है) और पैग़म्बर मोहम्मद साहब की समाधि (जो पवित्र नगर मदीना में स्थित है)
  • (लाक्षणीक) मक्का और मदीना नगर

حَرمَیْن شَرِیفَیْن کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر، جمع

  • کعبہ (جو مکہ معظمہ میں ہے) اور جناب رسولؐ خدا کا روضہ (جو مدینہ منورہ میں ہے)، ہر دو حرم، کعبہ شریف اور روضہ رسولؐ
  • (مجازاً) مکہ معظمہ اور مدینہ منورہ

Urdu meaning of haramain-shariifain

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kaaabaa (jo makkaa muazzmaa me.n hai) aur janaab rasola.i Khudaa ka roza (jo madiina munavvara me.n hai), har do hirm, kaaabaa shariif aur roza rasola.i
  • (majaazan) makkaa muazzmaa aur madiina munavvara

Synonyms of haramain-shariifain

Related searched words


the Kaaba (which is located in the holy city of Mecca) and the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad (which is located in the holy city of Medina)

Showing search results for: English meaning of haramainshareefain, English meaning of haramainsharifain

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