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forehead of the world

peshaanii kii tahriir

divine destiny, fated

peshaanii Tiknaa

(Metaphorically) to laydown the forehead at some place for the purpose of prostration

peshaanii me.n likhaa honaa

قسمت میں ہونا، نوشتۂ تقدیر ہونا

peshaanii me.n tahriir honaa

قسمت میں لکھا ہونا، تقدیر میں ہونا

peshaanii ka daagh

stigma, brand of infamy

peshaanii me.n tahriir farmaanaa

قسمت میں لکھنا، تقدیر میں لکھنا

peshaanii par u.nglii Teknaa

in a state of contemplation, man leans on his forehead and thinks

peshaanii likhnaa

writing the title

peshaanii jhuknaa

be grateful or thankful, feel obliged

peshaanii me.n daaG honaa

to be marked prostration on the forehead

peshaanii kaa KHat


peshaanii kaa pasiina e.Dii ko aanaa

break a sweat, to do work hard

peshaanii bichhaanaa

(Metaphorically) to do respect and honored highly

peshaanii raga.Dnaa

to rub the forehead (on the ground), to supplicate, implore humbly (of the Deity, or a saint, or a king), flatter

peshaanii par 'araq aanaa

(Lexical) to sweat on forehead

peshaanii kii shikan ko tahriir banaa kar pa.Dhnaa

to understand the subject of mind or heart by the expression of the face

peshaanii par likhnaa

to write on forehead

peshaanii pe zaKHm khaanaa

to show courage, to fight bravely

peshaanii me.n bal pa.Dnaa

expresses the sadness from facial expressions

peshaanii par KHaak lagaanaa

rubbing soil on the forehead as a form of faith

peshaanii par likha hona


peshaanii par javaab likhnaa

to write an answer or note on header in a letter of application or in any official and semi-official letter

peshaanii kaa likhaa pesh aanaa

(مجازاََ) تقدیر میں جو ہونا ہے وہ ہو کر رہنا

peshaanii par shikan pa.Dnaa

to be hurt, expression of sorrow and pain on the face

peshaanii par bal pa.Dnaa

چہرے سے تکہ ظاہر ہونا ، رنج و ملال غصہ یا نا گورای کا ظاہر ہونا ، غیظ و غضب سے بھر جانا ، تیور بگڑ جانا .

peshaanii par raqam honaa

God's will, divine destiny

peshaanii par daaG lagaanaa

lose one's good looks

peshaanii dharnaa

to rub the forehead (on the ground)

peshaanii raushan honaa

man's good character is reflected in his face, (of a virtuous person) have a bright face

peshaanii par bal aanaa

frown, express displeasure

peshaanii par haath rakhnaa

to express sympathy

peshaanii par bal Daalnaa

پیشانی پر بل آنا کا تعدیہ

peshaanii par bosa denaa

محبت سے بزرگوں کا ماتھے کو چومنا


angry, furious, wrathful, enraged


cheerfulness, of smiling countenance, sociability, good humour


irritating, frowned


ill-tempered, ill-natured, peevish


cheerfulness, of smiling countenance, sociability, good humour


inauspicious, ill-starred, unlucky


fearless, brave


a kind of horse who's forehead is much higher than normal and he is considered inauspicious


a kind of horse who's forehead is much higher than normal and he is considered inauspicious


wide forehead


having a star on the forehead (reckoned as a blemish in a horse), such kind of horse is considered inauspicious


bad-tempered, testy, irritable


خندہ پیشانی، ہنس مکھ


wide forehead


so blessed, lucky, fortunate, cheerful, jovial, urbane


a type of horse whose forehead little higher than normal and which looking awkward, (it is considered as malicious and a symbol of bad omen)


square, rectangular, oval pictures are carved on height for beauty in plaster of walls, ceilings etc.


پیشانی پر پڑنے والی لکیریں، پیشانی کے خط


lines of forehead which read a person's fate, Devine destiny

rotii peshaanii

a face that appears withered and mournful, sorrowful, depressed


bright and wide forehead


پیشانی کو صفحہ سے استعارہ کرتے ہیں، اور اس کی لکیروں کو سطروں سے


tablet of forehead where a man's fate is supposedly written


frown, lines on forehead

Guncha-peshaanii rahnaa

to be doleful, to be grief-stricken

Meaning ofSee meaning haram in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12

English meaning of haram

Noun, Masculine

  • the sacred enclosure of Makkah and Medina, sanctuary
  • harem, seraglio, women's enclosures or quarters
  • concubine, female slave
  • harem, seraglio, women's enclosures or quarters
  • the sacred enclosure of Makkah and Medina, sanctuary
  • sacred

Looking for similar sounding words?

haram (ہَرَم)

old age, oldness

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Sher Examples

हरम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • सम्मान योग्य वस्तु, पवित्र वस्तु, आदर के योग्य, आदरणीय
  • मक्के मदीने और उनके गिर्दागिर्द के कुछ मील का क्षेत्र हरम कहलाता है उसे हरम कहने का कारण ये है कि अल्लाह ताला ने उनका सम्मान स्थापित किया है और उन स्थानों पर कुछ क्रियाएँ वर्जित हैं उदापरण के रूप में यहाँ जंग नहीं हो सकती पेड़ो को नहीं काटा जा सकता अर्थात उसमें दाख़िल होने वाला प्रत्येक व्यक्ति क्षति से सुरक्षित हो जाता है (जब दोनों हरम अर्थात हूँ तो उन्हें साधारणतया ''हरमैन'' कहते हैं)
  • ख़ाना-ए-काबा के गिर्दागिर्द का क्षेत्र जहाँ युद्ध आदि वर्जित है, ख़ाना-ए-काबा की चारदीवारी या अहाता, ख़ाना-ए-काबा, काबा परिसर जहाँ वध या युद्ध की अनुमति नहीं है
  • महिलाओं का कक्ष, हरम-सरा, हरम, ज़नान-ख़ाना, घर का वह भाग जिसमें स्त्रियाँ रहती हैं, राज-प्रासाद या महल का वह हिस्सा जिसमें रानियाँ रहती हैं
  • शरीफ़ों के घर की स्त्रियाँ
  • हज़रत इमाम हुसैन के अनुयायी

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • बीवी
  • लौंडी, बाँदी जिसको बीवी बना लिया गया हो

    उदाहरण हरम पर लाज़िम होता है कि हर अमर-ओ-नही में बियाहता बी-बी की ताबेदारी करे।

حَرَم کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • قابل عزت شے، مقدّس چیز، احترام کے لائق، محترم

    مثال لفظ حرم عربی میں عموماً کل ان چیزوں پر مشتمل ہے جن کی حرمت کی جاتی ہے۔

  • مکّے مدینے اور ان کے گرداگرد کے چند میل کا علاقہ حرم کہلاتا ہے اسے حرم کہنے کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے ان کی عزّت قائم کی ہے اور ان مقامات پر بعض افعال اور اقدامات ممنوع ہیں مثال کے طور پر یہاں جنگ نہیں ہوسکتی درختوں کو نہیں کاٹا جا سکتا نیز اس میں داخل ہونے والا ہر گزند سے محفوظ ہوجاتا ہے (جب دونوں حرم مراد ہوں تو انھیں عموماً ’حرمین‘ کہتے ہیں)

    مثال اسلامی اصطلاح میں مکے مدینے اور ان کے گرداگرد کے چند میل کے علاقے کو حرم کہتے ہیں۔

  • خانۂ کعبہ کے گرداگرد کا علاقہ جہاں جنگ وغیرہ ممنوع ہے، خانۂ کعبہ کی چاردیواری یا احاطہ، خانۂ کعبہ
  • اسلام، مرکزِ اسلام
  • زنان خانہ، گھر کا وہ حصہ جس میں عورتیں رہتی ہیں
  • اشراف کے گھر کی عورتیں
  • حضرت امام حسین کے اہل بیت

اسم، مؤنث

  • بیوی
  • لونڈی، باندی جس کو بیوی بنا لیا گیا ہو

    مثال حرم پر لازم ہوتا ہے کہ ہر امر و نہی میں بیاہتا بی بی کی تابع داری کرے۔

Urdu meaning of haram

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • qaabil izzat shaiy, muqaddas chiiz, ehtiraam ke laayaq, muhatram
  • makke madiine aur un ke girdaagird ke chand mel ka ilaaqa hirm kahlaataa hai use hirm kahne kii vajah ye hai ki allaah taala ne in kii izzat qaayam kii hai aur un muqaamaat par baaaz afaal aur iqdaamaat mamnuu hai.n misaal ke taur par yahaa.n jang nahii.n hosaktii daraKhto.n ko nahii.n kaaTaa ja saktaa niiz is me.n daaKhil hone vaala har gazand se mahfuuz hojaataa hai (jab dono.n hirm muraad huu.n to unhe.n umuuman 'harmain' kahte hai.n
  • Khaanaa-e-kaaabaa ke girdaagird ka ilaaqa jahaa.n jang vaGaira mamnuu hai, Khaanaa-e-kaaabaa kii chaaradiivaarii ya ahaata, Khaanaa-e-kaaabaa
  • islaam, markaz-e-islaam
  • zanaanKhaanaa, ghar ka vo hissaa jis me.n aurte.n rahtii hai.n
  • ashraaf ke ghar kii aurte.n
  • hazrat imaam husain ke ahal-e-bait
  • biivii
  • launDii, baandii jis ko biivii banaa liyaa gayaa ho

Synonyms of haram

Interesting Information on haram

The word Haram means something that is sacred, worthy of respect, honorable. This word is used in many ways. Haram-e-Zanaan is the part of the house where women live. Mecca, Medina and a few miles around it is also called Haram. In Urdu poetry, the theme of ‘Dair-o-Haram’ is often taken up. ‘Dair’ means an idol-house, while Haram, a mosque. The disputes and bickering between those associated with Dair and Haram go back along way. Poets, however, are beyond these issues. bujh rahe hai.n charaaG-e-dair-o-haram dil jalaa.o ki raushnii kam hai Poetry is a world that is expanded, open, and full of life. In Urdu, those who are set in the confines of ‘Dair-o-Haram’ are always made an object of satire. You can come across countless such couplets.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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forehead of the world

peshaanii kii tahriir

divine destiny, fated

peshaanii Tiknaa

(Metaphorically) to laydown the forehead at some place for the purpose of prostration

peshaanii me.n likhaa honaa

قسمت میں ہونا، نوشتۂ تقدیر ہونا

peshaanii me.n tahriir honaa

قسمت میں لکھا ہونا، تقدیر میں ہونا

peshaanii ka daagh

stigma, brand of infamy

peshaanii me.n tahriir farmaanaa

قسمت میں لکھنا، تقدیر میں لکھنا

peshaanii par u.nglii Teknaa

in a state of contemplation, man leans on his forehead and thinks

peshaanii likhnaa

writing the title

peshaanii jhuknaa

be grateful or thankful, feel obliged

peshaanii me.n daaG honaa

to be marked prostration on the forehead

peshaanii kaa KHat


peshaanii kaa pasiina e.Dii ko aanaa

break a sweat, to do work hard

peshaanii bichhaanaa

(Metaphorically) to do respect and honored highly

peshaanii raga.Dnaa

to rub the forehead (on the ground), to supplicate, implore humbly (of the Deity, or a saint, or a king), flatter

peshaanii par 'araq aanaa

(Lexical) to sweat on forehead

peshaanii kii shikan ko tahriir banaa kar pa.Dhnaa

to understand the subject of mind or heart by the expression of the face

peshaanii par likhnaa

to write on forehead

peshaanii pe zaKHm khaanaa

to show courage, to fight bravely

peshaanii me.n bal pa.Dnaa

expresses the sadness from facial expressions

peshaanii par KHaak lagaanaa

rubbing soil on the forehead as a form of faith

peshaanii par likha hona


peshaanii par javaab likhnaa

to write an answer or note on header in a letter of application or in any official and semi-official letter

peshaanii kaa likhaa pesh aanaa

(مجازاََ) تقدیر میں جو ہونا ہے وہ ہو کر رہنا

peshaanii par shikan pa.Dnaa

to be hurt, expression of sorrow and pain on the face

peshaanii par bal pa.Dnaa

چہرے سے تکہ ظاہر ہونا ، رنج و ملال غصہ یا نا گورای کا ظاہر ہونا ، غیظ و غضب سے بھر جانا ، تیور بگڑ جانا .

peshaanii par raqam honaa

God's will, divine destiny

peshaanii par daaG lagaanaa

lose one's good looks

peshaanii dharnaa

to rub the forehead (on the ground)

peshaanii raushan honaa

man's good character is reflected in his face, (of a virtuous person) have a bright face

peshaanii par bal aanaa

frown, express displeasure

peshaanii par haath rakhnaa

to express sympathy

peshaanii par bal Daalnaa

پیشانی پر بل آنا کا تعدیہ

peshaanii par bosa denaa

محبت سے بزرگوں کا ماتھے کو چومنا


angry, furious, wrathful, enraged


cheerfulness, of smiling countenance, sociability, good humour


irritating, frowned


ill-tempered, ill-natured, peevish


cheerfulness, of smiling countenance, sociability, good humour


inauspicious, ill-starred, unlucky


fearless, brave


a kind of horse who's forehead is much higher than normal and he is considered inauspicious


a kind of horse who's forehead is much higher than normal and he is considered inauspicious


wide forehead


having a star on the forehead (reckoned as a blemish in a horse), such kind of horse is considered inauspicious


bad-tempered, testy, irritable


خندہ پیشانی، ہنس مکھ


wide forehead


so blessed, lucky, fortunate, cheerful, jovial, urbane


a type of horse whose forehead little higher than normal and which looking awkward, (it is considered as malicious and a symbol of bad omen)


square, rectangular, oval pictures are carved on height for beauty in plaster of walls, ceilings etc.


پیشانی پر پڑنے والی لکیریں، پیشانی کے خط


lines of forehead which read a person's fate, Devine destiny

rotii peshaanii

a face that appears withered and mournful, sorrowful, depressed


bright and wide forehead


پیشانی کو صفحہ سے استعارہ کرتے ہیں، اور اس کی لکیروں کو سطروں سے


tablet of forehead where a man's fate is supposedly written


frown, lines on forehead

Guncha-peshaanii rahnaa

to be doleful, to be grief-stricken

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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