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equity, justice, being just, law, right




a district court




law courts


معشوق کی مجلس جس میں عاشق حاضر ہوں


revenue court


گہوراۂ عدالت، عدالت سے معمور، عدل والا


jurist, judge


supreme court


the court of session


a court of appellate, a court of appeal


بادشاہ کا انصاف


the court, assize


high court


court of competent jurisdiction, a competent tribunal


a type of court who is comes under a senor judge


arbitral tribunal, panchayati court


a just and equitable person, asylum of justice


high court


the court that decides the sentence


the court of session




small causes court, the Small Causes Court is responsible for adjudicating matters related to civil cases


a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court, court of appeal(s)


civil court, a court dealing with noncriminal cases


subordinate court


criminal court, a court of criminal jurisdiction


a court of original, in common law legal systems original jurisdiction of a court is the power to hear a case for the first time, as opposed to appellate jurisdiction, when a higher court has the power to review a lower court's decision


supreme court


high court


a court who did not have the authority of princely state and democratic capital


a court of second instance, a lower appellate court

'adaalat ba.Dhaanaa

انصاف کا دور دورہ ہونا، انصاف کا چرچا ہونا

'adaalat cha.Dhnaa

to claim

'adaalat me.n maaKHuuz karna

to bring to justice

'adaalat ke kutte

the court staff who entice complainants to take bribes


a court of first instance, the First Appellate Court, the court in which a suit is first brought, an original court

'adaalat kaa dar khulnaa

court session starts for case hearing

'adaalat honaa

to be prosecuted, take the dispute to court

'adaalat kaa ba.Daa naazuk mu'aamla hai

مقدمہ بازی بڑی ٹیڑھی کھیر ہے، مقدمہ بازی میں نقصان ہی ہوتا ہے


court language

'adaalat karnaa

sit in a court, set up a court, to collect a crowd

'adaalat basnaa

to file a case, to admonish someone to sue them


of the court, like the court

'adaalat kaa darvaaza khaTkhaTaanaa

go to court for justice


عدالت کی مسل یا کارروائی


انصاف کے لیے عدالت سے رجوع کرنا.

'adaalat lagaanaa

to collect a crowd, to make a noise, hold court


judicial proceedings


with justice


سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کا اُردو ترجمہ ، اعلیٰ ترین عدالتی کونسل .

'adaalat par aa jaanaa

do justice


public attorney


the court that does not hold a closed-door or secret hearing


do justice, adjudicate


a court of small causes


summary court


a court dealing with noncriminal cases, a court of civil jurisdiction, civil court


the court of chancery, king's court

Meaning ofSee meaning hajv in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 21

Word Family: h-j-v

English meaning of hajv

Noun, Feminine

  • dispraise, reproach
  • a genre of Urdu poetry for lampooning
  • lampoon, satire

Sher Examples

हज्व के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • अपकीर्ति
  • आलोचना, निंदा, किसी की निंदा में लिखा गया काव्य
  • निंदा, तिरस्कार, अपमान, ऐसी कविता जिसमें किसी की निंदा की जाय।

ہَجْو کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • (لفظا) کسی کی برائی کرنا، نفرت اور غصے وغیرہ کا اظہار، مذمت، ملامت، برائی، بد گوئی، عیب جوئی، دشنام طرازی
  • (اصطلاحاً) وہ نظم جس میں کسی کے فرضی یا واقعی عیوب مبالغے کے ساتھ بیان کیے گئے ہوں، شاعری کی ایک صنف جس میں کسی کی مذمت کی جاتی ہے

Urdu meaning of hajv

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (lafzaa) kisii kii buraa.ii karnaa, nafrat aur Gusse vaGaira ka izhaar, muzammat, malaamat, buraa.ii, badgo.ii, a.ib jo.ii, dushnaam taraazii
  • (i.istlaahan) vo nazam jis me.n kisii ke farzii ya vaaqi.i uyuub mubaalGe ke saath byaan ki.e ge huu.n, shaayarii kii ek sinaf jis me.n kisii kii muzammat kii jaatii hai

Interesting Information on hajv

Hajw (Lampoon), is a kind of poetry in which a poet expresses his anger against a person or a rival. Some people consider it to be a kind of Qasida. In Urdu, the practice of composing Hajw precisely started with Muhammad Rafi Sauda (1713-1781). He composed his Hajws in all genres of poetry like Qasida, Masnawi, Qita, Ghazal, Rubai, etc. Muhammad Hussain Azad writes in ‘Ab-e-Hayat’, that Sauda had a slave named "Ghuncha", who was always in his service and carried Sauda’s pen-case around him. Whenever Sauda was affronted with someone, he’d call out, ‘Arey Ghunche, laa to Qalam-daan, zaraa main is ki khabar to lun, ye mujhe samjha kya hai?’. Sauda wrote a variety of lampoons, some are charged with the bantering of rivals, some possessing accounts of moral mending, and others imbued with satirizing the political turmoil and financial misery of the times. Sauda also lampooned upon on an elephant and a horse. ‘Tazheek-e-Rozgar’, Sauda’s famous Hajw, centers around an incapable horse, that was actually a metaphor for the last days of the Mughal empire and hinted towards the political and economic catastrophe of that period.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Related searched words


equity, justice, being just, law, right




a district court




law courts


معشوق کی مجلس جس میں عاشق حاضر ہوں


revenue court


گہوراۂ عدالت، عدالت سے معمور، عدل والا


jurist, judge


supreme court


the court of session


a court of appellate, a court of appeal


بادشاہ کا انصاف


the court, assize


high court


court of competent jurisdiction, a competent tribunal


a type of court who is comes under a senor judge


arbitral tribunal, panchayati court


a just and equitable person, asylum of justice


high court


the court that decides the sentence


the court of session




small causes court, the Small Causes Court is responsible for adjudicating matters related to civil cases


a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court, court of appeal(s)


civil court, a court dealing with noncriminal cases


subordinate court


criminal court, a court of criminal jurisdiction


a court of original, in common law legal systems original jurisdiction of a court is the power to hear a case for the first time, as opposed to appellate jurisdiction, when a higher court has the power to review a lower court's decision


supreme court


high court


a court who did not have the authority of princely state and democratic capital


a court of second instance, a lower appellate court

'adaalat ba.Dhaanaa

انصاف کا دور دورہ ہونا، انصاف کا چرچا ہونا

'adaalat cha.Dhnaa

to claim

'adaalat me.n maaKHuuz karna

to bring to justice

'adaalat ke kutte

the court staff who entice complainants to take bribes


a court of first instance, the First Appellate Court, the court in which a suit is first brought, an original court

'adaalat kaa dar khulnaa

court session starts for case hearing

'adaalat honaa

to be prosecuted, take the dispute to court

'adaalat kaa ba.Daa naazuk mu'aamla hai

مقدمہ بازی بڑی ٹیڑھی کھیر ہے، مقدمہ بازی میں نقصان ہی ہوتا ہے


court language

'adaalat karnaa

sit in a court, set up a court, to collect a crowd

'adaalat basnaa

to file a case, to admonish someone to sue them


of the court, like the court

'adaalat kaa darvaaza khaTkhaTaanaa

go to court for justice


عدالت کی مسل یا کارروائی


انصاف کے لیے عدالت سے رجوع کرنا.

'adaalat lagaanaa

to collect a crowd, to make a noise, hold court


judicial proceedings


with justice


سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کا اُردو ترجمہ ، اعلیٰ ترین عدالتی کونسل .

'adaalat par aa jaanaa

do justice


public attorney


the court that does not hold a closed-door or secret hearing


do justice, adjudicate


a court of small causes


summary court


a court dealing with noncriminal cases, a court of civil jurisdiction, civil court


the court of chancery, king's court

Showing search results for: English meaning of hajw, English meaning of hazv

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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