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Showing results for "ha.D-bair"


deep-seated rancour

had ba.ndhnaa

۔سرحد مقرر ہونا۔ حد بندی ہونا۔

had baa.ndhnaa

fix, determine or mark the limits or boundaries, bound, define, delimit


true guide or director


سبکدوشی ذمہ داری سے

'ohda-bar-aa honaa

completion of duty.

ho.D badnaa

bet, lay wager


fulfilment of an obligation, completion of an engagement, performance of an engagement, discharge of a duty, freedom from a responsibility

ho.D baa.ndnaa

معاہدہ کرنا ، سودا کرنا ؛ شرط لگانا (رک : ہوڑ باندھنا) ۔


time, age of youth

ho.D baa.ndhnaa

to make an agreement, to stipulate, to bargain, to lay a wager, to bet


the one who fulfill responsibility, the one who completed his duties, the one who completed his promise


Carrying capacitance.

'ahd ba.ndhnaa

to make a vow or pact

kaaTh kii haa.nDii.n baar-baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

a weak argument or excuse cannot be used twice


false, faithless, treacherous disloyal untrue to one's word


bygone era, ancient time or period

Meaning ofSee meaning ha.D-bair in English, Hindi & Urdu


हड़-बैरہَڑ بَیر

English meaning of ha.D-bair

Noun, Masculine

  • deep-seated rancour

हड़-बैर के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • सख़्त दुश्मनी; पुरानी दुश्मनी, पुराना वैर

ہَڑ بَیر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • سخت دشمنی ؛ پرانی دشمنی ، پرانا بیر

Urdu meaning of ha.D-bair

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • saKht dushmanii ; puraanii dushmanii, puraanaa biir

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deep-seated rancour

had ba.ndhnaa

۔سرحد مقرر ہونا۔ حد بندی ہونا۔

had baa.ndhnaa

fix, determine or mark the limits or boundaries, bound, define, delimit


true guide or director


سبکدوشی ذمہ داری سے

'ohda-bar-aa honaa

completion of duty.

ho.D badnaa

bet, lay wager


fulfilment of an obligation, completion of an engagement, performance of an engagement, discharge of a duty, freedom from a responsibility

ho.D baa.ndnaa

معاہدہ کرنا ، سودا کرنا ؛ شرط لگانا (رک : ہوڑ باندھنا) ۔


time, age of youth

ho.D baa.ndhnaa

to make an agreement, to stipulate, to bargain, to lay a wager, to bet


the one who fulfill responsibility, the one who completed his duties, the one who completed his promise


Carrying capacitance.

'ahd ba.ndhnaa

to make a vow or pact

kaaTh kii haa.nDii.n baar-baar nahii.n cha.Dhtii

a weak argument or excuse cannot be used twice


false, faithless, treacherous disloyal untrue to one's word


bygone era, ancient time or period

Showing search results for: English meaning of hadbair, English meaning of harbair

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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