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Showing results for "ghar barbaad karnaa"


lost, spoiled, wasted, fruitless, abortive

zaa.e' jaanaa

to be dead

zaa.e' honaa

be wasted, be lost, prove fruitless,

zaa.e' karna

to make useless


the canal water which is uses against the irrigation law

baat zaa.e' jaanaa

do not follow the order, to destroy the character or reputation

vaqt zaa.e' karnaa

spending time in idle pursuits, to waste time

mehnat zaa.e' honaa

labour or effort be ruined

auqaat zaa.e' karnaa

waste time

haml zaa.e' honaa

رک : حمل گرنا.

zindagii zaa.e' karnaa

عمر بے فائدہ کرنا، عمر خراب کرنا

zindagii zaa.e' honaa

عمر بے فائدہ ہونا، عمر خراب ہونا

vaqt zaa.e' honaa

waste of time

hamal zaa.e' karnaa

terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion

naam-e-nek-e-raftagaa.n zaa.e' ma-kun - taa ba-maanad naam-e-nekat barqaraar

don’t forget the good deeds of the people of the past so that the people of the future will remember you with a good name

naam-e-nek-e-raftagaa.n zaa.e' ma-kun - taa ba-baashad naam-e-neikat paa.edaar

do not waste the good names of those who have died, so that your good name may also remain

Meaning ofSee meaning ghar barbaad karnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

ghar barbaad karnaa

घर बर्बाद करनाگَھر بَرْباد کَرْنا


English meaning of ghar barbaad karnaa

  • ruin the house or family

घर बर्बाद करना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • घर का सामान या घर की दौलत या घर के लोगों को तबाह करना
  • मियां बीवी को छुड़ा देना, घर लुटाना

گَھر بَرْباد کَرْنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • اثاث البیت یا گھر کی دولت یا گھر کے آدمیوں کو تباہ کرنا، بد وضعی سے ہو یا فضول خرچی یا دیوانگی سے
  • میاں بیوی کو چُھڑا دینا، گھر لُٹانا

Urdu meaning of ghar barbaad karnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • asaas-ul-bait ya ghar kii daulat ya ghar ke aadmiiyo.n ko tabaah karnaa, bad vazi.i se ho ya phuzuulkharchii diivaangii se
  • miyaa.n biivii ko chhu.Daa denaa, ghar luTaanaa

Related searched words


lost, spoiled, wasted, fruitless, abortive

zaa.e' jaanaa

to be dead

zaa.e' honaa

be wasted, be lost, prove fruitless,

zaa.e' karna

to make useless


the canal water which is uses against the irrigation law

baat zaa.e' jaanaa

do not follow the order, to destroy the character or reputation

vaqt zaa.e' karnaa

spending time in idle pursuits, to waste time

mehnat zaa.e' honaa

labour or effort be ruined

auqaat zaa.e' karnaa

waste time

haml zaa.e' honaa

رک : حمل گرنا.

zindagii zaa.e' karnaa

عمر بے فائدہ کرنا، عمر خراب کرنا

zindagii zaa.e' honaa

عمر بے فائدہ ہونا، عمر خراب ہونا

vaqt zaa.e' honaa

waste of time

hamal zaa.e' karnaa

terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion

naam-e-nek-e-raftagaa.n zaa.e' ma-kun - taa ba-maanad naam-e-nekat barqaraar

don’t forget the good deeds of the people of the past so that the people of the future will remember you with a good name

naam-e-nek-e-raftagaa.n zaa.e' ma-kun - taa ba-baashad naam-e-neikat paa.edaar

do not waste the good names of those who have died, so that your good name may also remain

Showing search results for: English meaning of ghar barbaad qarnaa, English meaning of ghar barbad karna

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