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Showing results for "gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa rukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n pakii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii"


expression, a sentence

jumla kasnaa

to make fun of, poke fun


whole world



jumla chho.Dnaa

to make fun of, poke fun


sentence that distinguishes between true and false

jumla chust honaa

to say something sarcastically


a nominal sentence, a sentence that begins with the subject (subst. or pronoun), or one that is composed of an inchoative and an enunciative


a parenthetical sentence or clause, (something said) by the way, by the by, witty interpolation


दे. 'जु. इस्मियः ।।


from among (many things or persons), from or out of the whole


from among (many things or persons), from or out of the whole, out of all, among all, of all these, totally, upon the whole


the finance minister of Deccan's Bahmani Empire, the caretaker of all departments of a monarch


declarative sentence


of that number, out of that total, out of them all, out of the whole, in short, in substance, on the whole, out of, from among


the sentence in which to express surprise, etc.


royal revenue officer


benedictory sentence


باوجود اس کے

manafii istifhaamii-jumla

negative interrogative sentence

Meaning ofSee meaning gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa rukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n pakii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii in English, Hindi & Urdu

gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa rukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n pakii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii

गया गाँव जहाँ ठाकुर हँसा, गया रुख जहाँ बगुला बसा, गया ताल जहाँ पकी काई, गई कूप जहाँ भई अथाईگیا گاؤں جہاں ٹھاکر ہنسا، گیا رکھ جہاں بگلا بسا، گیا تال جہاں پکی کائی، گئی کوپ جہاں بھئی اتھائی

Also Read As : gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa ruukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n upjii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii


गया गाँव जहाँ ठाकुर हँसा, गया रुख जहाँ बगुला बसा, गया ताल जहाँ पकी काई, गई कूप जहाँ भई अथाई के हिंदी अर्थ

  • जिस गाँव के मालिक ने भोग में जीवन व्यतीत किया वो उजड़ गया, जिस पेड़ पर बगुले का बसेरा हो वो सूख जाता है, जिस ताल या हौज़ में काई लग जाए एवं जिस कुएँ की तह बैठ जाए वो व्यर्थ एवं बेकार हो जाते हैं

    विशेष नष्ट हो जाता है वह गाँव जहाँ का प्रधान हँसोड़ हो। नष्ट हो जाता है वह वृक्ष जिस पर बगुला निवास करे। नष्ट हो जाता है वह ताल जिसमें काई पैदा हो जाए। नष्ट हो जाता है वह कुआँ जिसकी तली बैठ जाए। अथाई= अथाह।

گیا گاؤں جہاں ٹھاکر ہنسا، گیا رکھ جہاں بگلا بسا، گیا تال جہاں پکی کائی، گئی کوپ جہاں بھئی اتھائی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • جس گاؤں کے مالک نے عیش و عشرت میں زندگی گزاری وہ اجڑ گیا، جس درخت پر بگلے کا بسیرا ہو وہ خشک ہوجاتا ہے، جس تال یا حوض میں کائی لگ جائے اور جس کنوئیں کی تہہ بیٹھ جائے وہ ناکارہ ہو جاتے ہیں

Urdu meaning of gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa rukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n pakii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jis gaanv ke maalik ne a.ish-o-ishrat me.n zindgii guzaarii vo uja.D gayaa, jis daraKht par bagule ka baseraa ho vo Khushak hojaataa hai, jis taal ya hauz me.n kaa.ii lag jaaye aur jis kuve.n kii tahaa baiTh jaaye vo naakaara ho jaate hai.n

Related searched words


expression, a sentence

jumla kasnaa

to make fun of, poke fun


whole world



jumla chho.Dnaa

to make fun of, poke fun


sentence that distinguishes between true and false

jumla chust honaa

to say something sarcastically


a nominal sentence, a sentence that begins with the subject (subst. or pronoun), or one that is composed of an inchoative and an enunciative


a parenthetical sentence or clause, (something said) by the way, by the by, witty interpolation


दे. 'जु. इस्मियः ।।


from among (many things or persons), from or out of the whole


from among (many things or persons), from or out of the whole, out of all, among all, of all these, totally, upon the whole


the finance minister of Deccan's Bahmani Empire, the caretaker of all departments of a monarch


declarative sentence


of that number, out of that total, out of them all, out of the whole, in short, in substance, on the whole, out of, from among


the sentence in which to express surprise, etc.


royal revenue officer


benedictory sentence


باوجود اس کے

manafii istifhaamii-jumla

negative interrogative sentence

Showing search results for: English meaning of gaya ganv jahan thakur hansa, English meaning of gaya rukh jahan bagula basa

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

Critique us (gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa rukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n pakii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii)




gayaa gaa.nv jahaa.n Thaakur ha.nsaa, gayaa rukh jahaa.n bagulaa basaa, gayaa taal jahaa.n pakii kaa.ii, ga.ii kuup jahaa.n bha.ii athaa.ii

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