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Showing results for "Gariib-KHaana"




a variant name of Eid-ul-Adha, festival observed on the tenth of Zilhaj (ذوالحج)



goat market


goat market

bakraa banaanaa

dupe someone of something

bakraa muTaa.e tab lak.Dii khaa.e

bakraavtii karnaa


ibex, a wild goat with long, thick ridged horns and a beard, found in the mountains of the Alps, Pyrenees, central Asia, and Ethiopia





complimentary presentation of a goat to a superior, sacrifice of a goat

shaiKH kaa bakraa

sadqe kaa bakraa

qurbaanii kaa bakraa

scapegoat, a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency

miiraan kaa bakraa

bhe.nT kaa bakraa

Do.nDuu sadduu kaa bakraa

Do.nDuu sadduu kaa bakraa

boTii ke badle bakraa denaa

sat maan ke bakraa laa.e , kaan paka.D sar kaaTaa , puujaa thii so maalan le ga.ii , muurat ko dhar chaaTaa

Meaning ofSee meaning Gariib-KHaana in English, Hindi & Urdu


ग़रीब-ख़ानाغَرِیب خانَہ

Vazn : 12122

English meaning of Gariib-KHaana

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Masculine

  • modest way of describing one's home, one's own lodging
  • the house where the poor and the disabled are kept for free and given food, orphanage house

Sher Examples

ग़रीब-ख़ाना के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • वक्ता अपने घर को भी बोलता है, नम्रता और विनती प्रकट करने लिए लोग अपने घर को बोलते हैं
  • वो मकान जहाँ ग़रीबों और अपाहिजों को मुफ़्त रखा और खाना दिया जाता है, ऐसा घर जिसमें सुख, का कोई साधन न हो, लंगर ख़ाना

غَرِیب خانَہ کے اردو معانی

فارسی، عربی - اسم، مذکر

  • بطور انکسار اپنے گھر کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں، میرا گھر
  • وہ مکان جہاں غریبوں اور اپاہجوں کو مفت رکھا اور کھانا دیا جاتا ہے، محتاج خانہ، لنگر خانہ

Showing search results for: English meaning of gareebkhaana, English meaning of gareebkhana

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