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Showing results for "dil-aaraamii"


the one is cause to relief to the heart, happiness and peace of heart

aadmii kii peshaanii dil kaa aa.iina hai

ba.Daa aadmii daal khaa.e to saada-haal Gariib khaa.e to kangaal

due to same thing someone gets prestige and someone gets insult

ba.De aadmii ne daal khaa.ii to kahaa saada-mizaaj hai Gariib ne daal khaa.ii to kahaa kangaal hai

aadmii ho yaa be-daal ke buudam

damfool, used for a dumb, stupid, idiot

baat kaa chuukaa aadmii yaa Daal kaa chuukaa bandar phir sa.nbhaltaa nahii.n

A man loses his opportunity as a monkey his hold of the branch of a tree.

ausar kaa chuukaa aadmii Daal kaa chuukaa bandar nahii.n sa.nbhaltaa

Daal kaa chuukaa bandar, baa.ns kaa chuukaa naT, baat kaa chuukaa aadmii nahii.n sa.nbhaltaa

a word recalling, if things were to be done twice, all would be wise

Meaning ofSee meaning dil-aaraamii in English, Hindi & Urdu


दिल-आरामीدِل آرامی

Vazn : 2222

English meaning of dil-aaraamii

Noun, Feminine

  • the one is cause to relief to the heart, happiness and peace of heart

Sher Examples

दिल-आरामी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • दिल को राहत मिलने या पहुँचाने का भाव, दिल का सुख और चैन

دِل آرامی کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • دل کو راحت ملنے یا پہن٘چانے کی کیفیت، دل کا چین اور سکون

Showing search results for: English meaning of dilaaraamee, English meaning of dilaaraami

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