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Showing results for "dhukdukii"


an ornament (as a small mirror set in gold or silver) worn round the neck (usually resting on the depression below the Adam's apple, it is said to take its name from its rising and falling with the action of the heart)

dhukdukii me.n dam aanaa

be on the last gasp, to be at the point of death

dhukdukii me.n dam honaa

be on the last gasp, to be at the point of death

dam dhukdukii me.n honaa

نزع کا عالم ہونا

Meaning ofSee meaning dhukdukii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

English meaning of dhukdukii

Noun, Masculine

  • an ornament (as a small mirror set in gold or silver) worn round the neck (usually resting on the depression below the Adam's apple, it is said to take its name from its rising and falling with the action of the heart)

धुकदुकी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • गले का एक ज़ेवर जो सीने पर लटकता रहता है, जुगनी

دُھکْدُکی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • گلے کا ایک زیور جو سینے پر لٹکتا رہتا ہے، جُگنی

Urdu meaning of dhukdukii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • gale ka ek zevar jo siine par laTaktaa rahtaa hai, jugnii

Synonyms of dhukdukii

Related searched words


an ornament (as a small mirror set in gold or silver) worn round the neck (usually resting on the depression below the Adam's apple, it is said to take its name from its rising and falling with the action of the heart)

dhukdukii me.n dam aanaa

be on the last gasp, to be at the point of death

dhukdukii me.n dam honaa

be on the last gasp, to be at the point of death

dam dhukdukii me.n honaa

نزع کا عالم ہونا

Showing search results for: English meaning of dhukdukee, English meaning of dhukduki

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