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Showing results for "dekhaa-bhuulii"


deception or fascination of the sight (as effected by conjurers), ocular deception or mistake, a winding place or passage (as the course of a river), any intricate or perplexing work, a maze, labyrinth

dekhaa bhaalii

looking after, taking care

dekhe bhaale shaiKH jii aur chap.De sayyad ho.e.n

dekhaa bhaalaa topchii chapraa sayyad ho

dekhii bhaalii karte hii lagii Gota dene

dekhii bhaalii baate.n

dekhaa na bhaalaa sadqe ga.ii.n KHaala

the aunt is devoted to the nephew whom she has never seen

dekhaa na bhaalaa sadqe ga.ii KHaala

the aunt is devoted to the nephew whom she has never seen

na dekhaa na bhaalaa sadqii ga.ii.n KHaala

na dekhaa na bhaalaa sadqii ga.ii KHaala

uTh jaa ta.Dke uTh re bhaa.ii, jit tanne dekhii laabh bhalaa.ii

vahii bhalaa hai mere lekhe haq naahaq ko jo nar dekhe

be dekhe bhaale

dekhe na bhaale

dekhaa na bhaalaa

Meaning ofSee meaning dekhaa-bhuulii in English, Hindi & Urdu


देखा-भूलीدیکھا بُھولی

English meaning of dekhaa-bhuulii


  • deception or fascination of the sight (as effected by conjurers), ocular deception or mistake, a winding place or passage (as the course of a river), any intricate or perplexing work, a maze, labyrinth

دیکھا بُھولی کے اردو معانی


  • نظر بندی، نظر کا دھوکا، فریب نظر، چکَر کھاتا ہوا رستہ، کوئی پیچیدہ یا گھبرا دینے والی بات، بُھول بُھلیاں.

Showing search results for: English meaning of dekhaabhooli, English meaning of dekhaabhulee

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