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Showing results for "dastaavez"


what is willed or wished or intended, desire, will, purport, tenor, object, end, meaning


desirous, longing, having a desire (or desires) unsatisfied, in want, necessitous


desires, wishes


wish, desire, intention, object


heart's desire


muraad baKHsh

giver of one's desire





synonymous, synonym





muraad maa.ngnaa

pray for the fulfilment of desire, ask or pray for favour



muraad haasil karnaa

muraad ko pahu.chnaa

muraad ko pahuu.nchnaa







full of desires and wishes

muraad haasil honaa

fulfillment of desire, fulfillment of wishes, fulfillment of purpose

muraade.n karnaa

muraado.n vaalii

muraade.n maa.ngnaa

muraado.n se paalnaa

muraado.n kii raat

muraado.n ke phal

muraade.n bar aanaa

muraado.n ke din

bloom or prime of life

muraado.n kaa din

muraade.n maan.naa


muraade.n nikaalnaa

muraade.n puurii honaa


muraad hai

is meant or intended

muraad par

muraadaat dilii ko paho.nchnaa


muraad aanaa

muraadaat dilii ko pahu.nchnaa

muraad honaa

muraad denaa

muraad lenaa

to infer (from), understand (by or from), interpret, to mean (by), to intend (by), to signify, to take to mean, to conclude (from)

muraad vaalaa

muraad paanaa

attaining one's desire

muraad karnaa

muraad milnaa

fulfillment of desire

muraad rakhnaa

desire, imply, intend

muraad maan.naa

vow, make a vow to do something pious or votive if some desire is fulfilled

muraad nikalnaa

muraad nikaalnaa

muraad dilvaanaa

muraad bar aanaa

Meaning ofSee meaning dastaavez in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Persian

Vazn : 2221

Tags: Legal

English meaning of dastaavez

Noun, Feminine

  • that which ties or fastens the hands
  • what a man takes with him as a means of promoting his suit
  • what one gets into his hand and depends on
  • a signature
  • a note of hand, bond, deed, title-deed, voucher, certificate, instrument, charter
  • a small present to be given into the hands of a person whose favour is sought
  • instance or example at hand
  • (Metaphorically) currency, note

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दस्तावेज़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • (क़ानून) वह कागज़ जिस पर दो या अधिक व्यक्तियों के पारस्परिक लेन-देन, व्यवहार समझौते आदि की शर्ते लिखी हों और जिस पर संबद्ध लोगों के हस्ताक्षर प्रमाण स्वरूप अंकित हों, डीड, जैसे: तहरीर, दानपत्र, रेहन-नामा आदि
  • व्यवस्थापत्र, लेखपत्र, साधनपत्र, तमस्सुक, क़िबाला, सबूत, सनद, निशानी, अलामत, मजाज़न: प्रतीकात्मक: करंसी नोट, सरकारी तुमसकात
  • कोई आधिकारिक पत्र; व्यवस्था-पत्र; प्रलेख; अभिलेख (डॉक्यूमेंट)

دَسْتاویز کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • کوئی اہم تحریر، یاد داشت، اقرار نامہ جو آئندہ حوالے کے لئے مفید ہو
  • (قانون) وہ کاغذ جو دو یا کئی شخصوں کے مابین کسی معاملے میں بطور سند لِکھا جائے، تَمَسُک، اِقرا نامہ، راضی نامہ
  • ضابطہ، دستور، ہدایت نامہ
  • وسیلہ، سہارا
  • ثبوت، سند
  • نِشانی، علامت
  • وہ چیز جو گرفت میں لے لے یا باندھ دے (شاذ)
  • (مجازاً) کرنسی نوٹ، سرکاری تَمَسکات

Synonyms of dastaavez

Interesting Information on dastaavez

The word ‘Dastaavez’, which means a legal document or certificate, has entered the Urdu language from Persian. It is a combination of two words; ‘dast’ which means hand, and ‘aavez’ which means hanging. Thus, ears rings, which ‘hang’ from ears, are known as ‘Aaveze’, and the hanging of portraits on the walls are said to be ‘Aavezaa.n’. Maybe legal documents were once kept hanging in a bag, eventually giving way to the word ‘Dastavez’? Well, who knows; all that is known is that this word finds its place in the treasure of Urdu poetry; a couplet by Meer Anees’s grandson Rashid Lakhnavi: kaaT ke sar meraa tum ne haath me.n laTkaa diyaa dekho ye merii vafaadaarii kii dastaavez hai

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Showing search results for: English meaning of dastaavej, English meaning of dastaawez

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