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Showing results for "daaG-gaah"


local court, the place where papers are stamped


(عسَکری) مغلیہ عہد کی ایک مہشور توپ.


روشنی کا گُھومنے والا فانوس.


place for promises, place of appointment or assignment


an enclosed place (outside a town) where the appropriate service is held on the festivals of 'Iid and Baqar-'Iid etc., ground where congregational Eid prayers are offered


an enclosed place (outside a town) where the appropriate service is held on the festivals of 'Iid and Baqar-'Iid etc., ground where congregational Eid prayers are offered


موسیقی کے بارہ مقامات یعنی راگوں میں سے ایک راگ (حسینی کی راگنی جو دو نغموں پر مشتمل ہوتی ہے) .


end of duration, maturity

Meaning ofSee meaning daaG-gaah in English, Hindi & Urdu


दाग़-गाहداغ گاہ

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 2121

English meaning of daaG-gaah

Noun, Feminine

  • local court, the place where papers are stamped

दाग़-गाह के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • कचहरी, जहाँ काग़ज़ात पर मुहरें लगायी जाती है, दागने की जगह, वो स्थान जहाँ घोड़ों को दागा जाए

داغ گاہ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • کچہری، جہاں کاغذات پر مہریں لگائی جاتی ہیں، داغنے کی جگہ، وہ مقام جہاں گھوڑوں کو داغا جائے

Urdu meaning of daaG-gaah

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kachahrii, jahaa.n kaaGzaat par muhre.n lagaa.ii jaatii hain, daaGne kii jagah, vo muqaam jahaa.n gho.Do.n ko daaGaa jaaye

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local court, the place where papers are stamped


(عسَکری) مغلیہ عہد کی ایک مہشور توپ.


روشنی کا گُھومنے والا فانوس.


place for promises, place of appointment or assignment


an enclosed place (outside a town) where the appropriate service is held on the festivals of 'Iid and Baqar-'Iid etc., ground where congregational Eid prayers are offered


an enclosed place (outside a town) where the appropriate service is held on the festivals of 'Iid and Baqar-'Iid etc., ground where congregational Eid prayers are offered


موسیقی کے بارہ مقامات یعنی راگوں میں سے ایک راگ (حسینی کی راگنی جو دو نغموں پر مشتمل ہوتی ہے) .


end of duration, maturity

Showing search results for: English meaning of daaggaah, English meaning of daaghgaah

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