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Showing results for "but-gar"


sculptor, carver of images

baat girah baa.ndhnaa

نصیحت کو بخوبی ذہن نشیں کرلینا، کوئی قول یا نکتہ یاد رکھنا


coquettish idol, beloved

baat ga.Dhnaa

to frame (one's) speech or words carefully, to speak to the purpose, or with effect

gu.D na de gu.D kii sii baat to kare

a kind word costs nothing

gu.D na de to gu.D kii sii baat to kahe

there is nothing lost by civility,


بدکلامی ، گالی.

terii baat gu.D se miiThii

تیری بات بہت پسند ہے.

baat kaar-gar honaa

قول یا اقدام کا اثر کرنا

Gair-rasmii baat-chiit karnaa

confabulate, hold confab, chat

Meaning ofSee meaning but-gar in English, Hindi & Urdu


बुत-गरبُت گَر

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 22

English meaning of but-gar


  • sculptor, carver of images

Sher Examples

बुत-गर के हिंदी अर्थ


  • बुत तराश

بُت گَر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • بت تراش

Urdu meaning of but-gar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • butatraash

Related searched words


sculptor, carver of images

baat girah baa.ndhnaa

نصیحت کو بخوبی ذہن نشیں کرلینا، کوئی قول یا نکتہ یاد رکھنا


coquettish idol, beloved

baat ga.Dhnaa

to frame (one's) speech or words carefully, to speak to the purpose, or with effect

gu.D na de gu.D kii sii baat to kare

a kind word costs nothing

gu.D na de to gu.D kii sii baat to kahe

there is nothing lost by civility,


بدکلامی ، گالی.

terii baat gu.D se miiThii

تیری بات بہت پسند ہے.

baat kaar-gar honaa

قول یا اقدام کا اثر کرنا

Gair-rasmii baat-chiit karnaa

confabulate, hold confab, chat

Showing search results for: English meaning of butgar

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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