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name of a bicornous instrument made of wood with a cloth spread over it for straining bhang (so called because a man can strain the liquor without help from others)

Meaning ofSee meaning be-minnataa in English, Hindi & Urdu


बे-मिन्नताبے مِنَّتا

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English meaning of be-minnataa

Persian, Hindi - Noun, Masculine

  • name of a bicornous instrument made of wood with a cloth spread over it for straining bhang (so called because a man can strain the liquor without help from others)

بے مِنَّتا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، ہندی - اسم، مذکر

  • وہ دو شاخہ لکڑی جس میں بھنگڑ صافی باندھ کر (بغیر کسی دوسرے کی مدد کے) بھنگ چھانتے ہیں

Urdu meaning of be-minnataa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo do shaaKhaa lakk.Dii jis me.n bhanga.D saafii baandh kar (bagair kisii duusre kii madad ke) bhang chhaante hai.n

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name of a bicornous instrument made of wood with a cloth spread over it for straining bhang (so called because a man can strain the liquor without help from others)

Showing search results for: English meaning of beminnata, English meaning of beminnataa

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