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Showing results for "baijantii-maalaa"


the necklace of Vishnu (composed of five gems produced from the five elements of nature, viz. the sapphire, from the earth, (the pearl from water, the ruby from fire, the topaz from air, and the diamond, from space or æther)

Meaning ofSee meaning baijantii-maalaa in English, Hindi & Urdu


बैजन्ती-मालाبَیجَنتْی مالا

Origin: Sanskrit

Tags: Hinduism

English meaning of baijantii-maalaa

Noun, Feminine

  • the necklace of Vishnu (composed of five gems produced from the five elements of nature, viz. the sapphire, from the earth, (the pearl from water, the ruby from fire, the topaz from air, and the diamond, from space or æther)
  • a kind of garland

بَیجَنتْی مالا کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • وشنو جی کا ہار جس میں پانچ جواہرات ہیں جو پانچ عنصروں سے پیدا ہوئے ہیں (نیلم زمین سے، موتی پانی سے، یاقوت آگ سے، پکھراج ہوا سے اور ہیرا پتھر سے)

Showing search results for: English meaning of baijanteemaalaa, English meaning of baijanteemala

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