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Showing results for "'avaam"


آگے آگے



peshvaa lenaa

to meet and receive (a friend or visitor)

peshvaa karnaa

to follow as a model, to take as a guide

peshvaa.ii karnaa

to lead, guide


देश का नेता।


the pleated gown, A full-dress gown (reaching a little below the knee, especially such as is worn by a bride when she leaves for her husband's home, and also by dancing girls

peshvaaz chalnaa

پیشوائی (رک) کے لئے جانا .


رک : بیشوا ؛ سامنے کا ، حاضر باش (خادم) .


a full-dress gown reaching a little below the knee, (especially such as is worn by a bride when she leaves for her husband's home, and also by dancing girls)


مذہبی معاملات میں رہنمائی کرنے والا عالم ، مقتدائے دین ، مذہبی رہنما ، پروہت ، پادری ۔

Meaning ofSee meaning 'avaam in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Singular: 'aam

See meaning: 'aam

English meaning of 'avaam

Noun, Feminine

  • the commonalty, the common people, the common sort

    Example Bus, train waghaira awam ke liye aamad-o-raft ke behtarin zaraae hai

  • the vulgar, the populace, masses, public

Looking for similar sounding words?

avaam (اَوام)

debt, loan

Sher Examples

'अवाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • आम लोग, साधारण लोग

    उदाहरण बस, ट्रेन वग़ैरा अवाम के लिए आमद-ओ-रफ़्त के बेहतरीन ज़राए हैं

  • जन-साधारण, बाज़ारू लोग, जनता, प्रजा

عَوام کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • عام لوگ، تمام آدمی، خلق اللہ، مخلوق

    مثال بس، ٹرین وغیرہ عوام کے لئے آمد و رفت کے بہترین ذرائع ہیں

  • رعایا، پرجا، جہلا، بازاری آدمی

Urdu meaning of 'avaam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • aam log, tamaam aadamii, Khalaq-ul-llaah, maKhluuq
  • riyaayaa, prajaa, jahlaa, baazaarii aadamii

Synonyms of 'avaam

Related searched words


آگے آگے



peshvaa lenaa

to meet and receive (a friend or visitor)

peshvaa karnaa

to follow as a model, to take as a guide

peshvaa.ii karnaa

to lead, guide


देश का नेता।


the pleated gown, A full-dress gown (reaching a little below the knee, especially such as is worn by a bride when she leaves for her husband's home, and also by dancing girls

peshvaaz chalnaa

پیشوائی (رک) کے لئے جانا .


رک : بیشوا ؛ سامنے کا ، حاضر باش (خادم) .


a full-dress gown reaching a little below the knee, (especially such as is worn by a bride when she leaves for her husband's home, and also by dancing girls)


مذہبی معاملات میں رہنمائی کرنے والا عالم ، مقتدائے دین ، مذہبی رہنما ، پروہت ، پادری ۔

Showing search results for: English meaning of avaam, English meaning of avam

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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