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Showing results for "ausaan KHataa honaa"

ausaan KHataa honaa

be stunned or taken aback, stand aghast, lose presence of mind, become rattled or very disconcerted, lose calm, be alarmed, be greatly perturbed or worried

aa.e ausaan KHataa honaa

بے حد گھبرا جانا، ہاتھ پاؤں پھول جانا

Meaning ofSee meaning ausaan KHataa honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

ausaan KHataa honaa

औसान ख़ता होनाاَوسان خَطا ہونا


English meaning of ausaan KHataa honaa

  • be stunned or taken aback, stand aghast, lose presence of mind, become rattled or very disconcerted, lose calm, be alarmed, be greatly perturbed or worried

औसान ख़ता होना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • बदहवास होजाना, होश-हवास ठिकाने न रहना, बौखलाया हुआ होना

اَوسان خَطا ہونا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • اوسان خطا کرنا کا لازم، بدحواس ہوجانا، ہوش و ہواس میں نہ رہنا

Urdu meaning of ausaan KHataa honaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ausaan Khataa karnaa ka laazim, badahvaas hojaana, hosh-o-havaas me.n na rahnaa

Related searched words

ausaan KHataa honaa

be stunned or taken aback, stand aghast, lose presence of mind, become rattled or very disconcerted, lose calm, be alarmed, be greatly perturbed or worried

aa.e ausaan KHataa honaa

بے حد گھبرا جانا، ہاتھ پاؤں پھول جانا

Showing search results for: English meaning of ausan khata hona

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