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Showing results for "'atf-e-bayaan"


(grammar) when two nouns are spoken in such a way that the other noun further explains the first, also called inflection


(قواعد) وہ مرکب ترکیب جو بیان اور مبین سے مل کر بنے

Meaning ofSee meaning 'atf-e-bayaan in English, Hindi & Urdu


'अत्फ़-ए-बयानعَطْفِ بَیان

Origin: Arabic

Tags: Grammar

English meaning of 'atf-e-bayaan

Noun, Masculine

  • (grammar) when two nouns are spoken in such a way that the other noun further explains the first, also called inflection

عَطْفِ بَیان کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • (قواعد) جب دو اسم کلام میں اس طرح بولے جائیں کہ دوسرا اسم پہلے کی مزید توضیح کرے تو اس کو عطف بیان کہتے ہیں.

Urdu meaning of 'atf-e-bayaan

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ( jab do ism kalaam me.n is tarah bole jaa.e.n ki duusraa ism pahle kii maziid tauziih kare to is ko ataf byaan kahte hai.n

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(grammar) when two nouns are spoken in such a way that the other noun further explains the first, also called inflection


(قواعد) وہ مرکب ترکیب جو بیان اور مبین سے مل کر بنے

Showing search results for: English meaning of atfebayaan, English meaning of atfebayan

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