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Showing results for "'arzii-e-daa'vaa"


a place of congregation, application, petition, warrant, document or petition attested by number of witnesses laid before a judge, public attestation


stage, place of action


a muster-roll, a list of the persons present at an assembly, a public attestation, attested petition or plaint

mahzar karnaa

to present or put in petition or a public attestation (of)

mahzar banaanaa

محضر تیار کرنا ، عرض داشت تیار کرنا ؛ خون کا شہادت نامہ لکھنا

mahzar karvaanaa

محضر کرنا (رک) کا متعدی المتعدی ، محضر لکھوانا


the person who remembers others well in presence or absence, good psyche, good nature, elegant, well wisher of everyone


good (person)


مہر انگشتری ، انگوٹھی پر کندہ سرکاری مہر ، محضر پر لگی مہر ۔


مُراد : فرمان شاہی ؛ ثبوت ، شہادت.

Meaning ofSee meaning 'arzii-e-daa'vaa in English, Hindi & Urdu


'अर्ज़ी-ए-दा'वाعَرْضی دَعْویٰ

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22222

Tags: Legal

English meaning of 'arzii-e-daa'vaa

Noun, Masculine

  • petition of plaint, first pleading in a suit

'अर्ज़ी-ए-दा'वा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • वो तहरीर या आवेदन जिसमें मुद्दई (वादी) अपने दावे का लिखित विवरण अदालत में पेश करे, नालिश के ब्यौरे का काग़ज़, वादपत्र

عَرْضی دَعْویٰ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • وہ تحریر، جس میں مدعی اپنے دعوے کی تفصیل لکھ کرعدالت میں پیش کرے

Urdu meaning of 'arzii-e-daa'vaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo tahriir, jis me.n muddi.i apne daave kii tafsiil likh kar adaalat me.n pesh kare

Related searched words


a place of congregation, application, petition, warrant, document or petition attested by number of witnesses laid before a judge, public attestation


stage, place of action


a muster-roll, a list of the persons present at an assembly, a public attestation, attested petition or plaint

mahzar karnaa

to present or put in petition or a public attestation (of)

mahzar banaanaa

محضر تیار کرنا ، عرض داشت تیار کرنا ؛ خون کا شہادت نامہ لکھنا

mahzar karvaanaa

محضر کرنا (رک) کا متعدی المتعدی ، محضر لکھوانا


the person who remembers others well in presence or absence, good psyche, good nature, elegant, well wisher of everyone


good (person)


مہر انگشتری ، انگوٹھی پر کندہ سرکاری مہر ، محضر پر لگی مہر ۔


مُراد : فرمان شاہی ؛ ثبوت ، شہادت.

Showing search results for: English meaning of arjiedaavaa, English meaning of arjiedava

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