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Showing results for "'arsh kaa paaya hilnaa"


the highest (the ninth) sphere, the empyrean (where the throne of God is), heaven (as throne of God)



(met.) the human heart
















high ranked, supreme, foremost




the highest heaven






empyrean, the highest heaven, the throne of God



highest sky, place of throne of god, seventh heaven


sky where God resides



retinue, magnificence, supreme, uppermost, best

'arsh se farsh tak

all over the universe


empyrean, the highest heaven, the throne of God


the highest heaven where the throne of God resides, the empyrean

'arsh se le farsh tak


highest sky, the place of throne of god





deck of ship

'arsh kii zanjiir khii.nchnaa

'arsh me.n jhuulnaa

to be exalted


'arsh kii zanjiir hilnaa

'arsh se utraa khujuur me.n aTkaa

out of frying pan into the fire, to go from a bad to worse situation

'arsh kii zanjiir hilaanaa

'arsh se le taaba farsh

all over the universe

'arsh par pahu.nchnaa

'arsh par pahu.nchaanaa

'arsh se chhuuTii khajuur me.n aTkii

'arsh se utaarnaa

'arsh se jhuulnaa

'arsh kaa ka.nguura hilaanaa

'arsh par jhanDaa ga.Dnaa

'arsh pe jhanDaa ga.Dnaa


'arsh par jhanDaa gaa.Dnaa

'arsh-e-aa'zam par mizaaj honaa


related sky

'arsh se taare to.Dnaa

'arsh par dimaaG pahu.nchnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning 'arsh kaa paaya hilnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

'arsh kaa paaya hilnaa

'अर्श का पाया हिलनाعَرْش کا پایَہ ہِلْنا


Tags: Benedictory

'अर्श का पाया हिलना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • प्रभाव होना (दु'आ, प्रार्थना आदि का)

عَرْش کا پایَہ ہِلْنا کے اردو معانی

  • شدّت سے اثر انداز ہونا، تاثیرلانا (دعا وغیرہ کا)

Showing search results for: English meaning of arsh ka paya hilna, English meaning of arsh kaa paaya hilnaa

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'arsh kaa paaya hilnaa

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