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Showing results for "'arsa-gah-e-hayaat"


world, planet, earth, globe


a life time, span of life


place where life exists, i.e. the world, sphere of activity, field of conflict

'arsa-e-hayaat tang karnaa

to harass, abuse, ill-treat, mistreat, give some a hard time, put pressure upon, persecute, tyrannize

'arsa-e-hayaat honaa

عرصۂ حیات تنگ کر دینا کا لازم، جان ضیق میں ڈالنا

arsa-e-hayaat karnaa

to persecute, make life difficult

'arsa-e-hayaat tang kar denaa

to harass, give some a hard time, put pressure upon, persecute, tyrannize


world, earth, globe, planet


the world

Meaning ofSee meaning 'arsa-gah-e-hayaat in English, Hindi & Urdu


'अर्सा-गह-ए-हयातعَرْصَہ گَہہِ حَیات

English meaning of 'arsa-gah-e-hayaat

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Masculine

  • world, planet, earth, globe

'अर्सा-गह-ए-हयात के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • अर्थात्: ब्रह्मांड, दुनिया, संसार

عَرْصَہ گَہہِ حَیات کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی - اسم، مذکر

  • مراد: کائنات، دنیا، عالم

Urdu meaning of 'arsa-gah-e-hayaat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • muraadah kaaynaat, duniyaa, aalam

Related searched words


world, planet, earth, globe


a life time, span of life


place where life exists, i.e. the world, sphere of activity, field of conflict

'arsa-e-hayaat tang karnaa

to harass, abuse, ill-treat, mistreat, give some a hard time, put pressure upon, persecute, tyrannize

'arsa-e-hayaat honaa

عرصۂ حیات تنگ کر دینا کا لازم، جان ضیق میں ڈالنا

arsa-e-hayaat karnaa

to persecute, make life difficult

'arsa-e-hayaat tang kar denaa

to harass, give some a hard time, put pressure upon, persecute, tyrannize


world, earth, globe, planet


the world

Showing search results for: English meaning of arsagahehayaat, English meaning of arsagahehayat

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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