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Showing results for "anaaj kaa dushman"

anaaj kaa dushman

lazy person, shirker, one who eats without working for it

kaam kaa na kaaj kaa dushman anaaj kaa

utterly worthless person who does no work and whose only interest is to eat

na kaam kaa , na kaaj kaa , dushman anaaj kaa

رک : کام کا نہ کاج کا ، دشمن اناج کا جو زیادہ مستعمل ہے

kaam kaa na kaaj kaa dushman ser-bhar anaaj kaa

utterly worthless person who does no work and whose only interest is to eat

Meaning ofSee meaning anaaj kaa dushman in English, Hindi & Urdu

anaaj kaa dushman

अनाज का दुश्मनاَناج کا دُشْمَن

English meaning of anaaj kaa dushman

Noun, Masculine

  • lazy person, shirker, one who eats without working for it

अनाज का दुश्मन के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • आलसी व्यक्ति, कुछ काम न करने वाला, बेकार पड़े पड़े खाने वाला

اَناج کا دُشْمَن کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • کاہل شخص، کچھ کام نہ کرنے والا، بیکار پڑے پڑے کھانے والا

Urdu meaning of anaaj kaa dushman

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kaahil shaKhs, kuchh kaam na karne vaala, bekaar pa.De pa.De khaane vaala

Related searched words

anaaj kaa dushman

lazy person, shirker, one who eats without working for it

kaam kaa na kaaj kaa dushman anaaj kaa

utterly worthless person who does no work and whose only interest is to eat

na kaam kaa , na kaaj kaa , dushman anaaj kaa

رک : کام کا نہ کاج کا ، دشمن اناج کا جو زیادہ مستعمل ہے

kaam kaa na kaaj kaa dushman ser-bhar anaaj kaa

utterly worthless person who does no work and whose only interest is to eat

Showing search results for: English meaning of anaaj qaa dushman, English meaning of anaaz kaa dushman

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anaaj kaa dushman

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