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Showing results for "aire-Gaire"


this one and that one, anyone and everyone (without distinction), stranger, a nobody-knows-who (the plural or short form of 'aira-ghaira'


ایرا غیرا (رک) کی جمع یا مغیرہ صورت.


this one and that one, anyone and everyone (without distinction)

airaa Gairaa natthuu KHairaa

anybody, Tom, Dick or Harry, unimportant person

airaa Gairaa pachkalyaan

رک : ایرا غیرا.


a festival celebrated by the Imāmīyah sect on the 18th of the twelfth month of Hijri calendar

aa.Daa go.Dii denaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا

aa.Daa go.Dii cha.Dhaanaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا

aa.Daa go.Dii maarnaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا

aa.Daa go.Dii lagaanaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا


a great poet

Meaning ofSee meaning aire-Gaire in English, Hindi & Urdu


ऐरे-ग़ैरेاَیرے غَیرے

Vazn : 2222

Singular: airaa-Gairaa

English meaning of aire-Gaire

Arabic, colloquial - Noun, Masculine, Plural

  • this one and that one, anyone and everyone (without distinction), stranger, a nobody-knows-who (the plural or short form of 'aira-ghaira'

Sher Examples

ऐरे-ग़ैरे के हिंदी अर्थ

अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, बहुवचन

  • ऐरा ग़ैरा का बहुचन एवं संक्षिप्त रूप, (प्रायः एकवचन या बहुवचन में) ग़ैर आदमी, ग़ैर संबंधित या निम्न दर्जे का व्यक्ति

اَیرے غَیرے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

عربی - اسم، مذکر، جمع

  • ایرا غیرا کی جمع یا مغیرہ صورت، (عموماْ مغیرہ یا حالت جمع میں) غیر آدمی، غیر متعلق یا کم حیثیت شخص

Urdu meaning of aire-Gaire

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • a.iraa Gairaa kii jamaa ya muGiirah suurat, (amomaa॒ muGiirah ya haalat jamaa men) Gair aadamii, Gair mutaalliq ya kam haisiyat shaKhs

Synonyms of aire-Gaire

Related searched words


this one and that one, anyone and everyone (without distinction), stranger, a nobody-knows-who (the plural or short form of 'aira-ghaira'


ایرا غیرا (رک) کی جمع یا مغیرہ صورت.


this one and that one, anyone and everyone (without distinction)

airaa Gairaa natthuu KHairaa

anybody, Tom, Dick or Harry, unimportant person

airaa Gairaa pachkalyaan

رک : ایرا غیرا.


a festival celebrated by the Imāmīyah sect on the 18th of the twelfth month of Hijri calendar

aa.Daa go.Dii denaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا

aa.Daa go.Dii cha.Dhaanaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا

aa.Daa go.Dii maarnaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا

aa.Daa go.Dii lagaanaa

آڑا گوڑی كا پیچ كرنا


a great poet

Showing search results for: English meaning of airegaire, English meaning of aireghaire

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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