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Showing results for "'aib-go"




evil speaking, scandalizing


blue color, shining, watery, the color of water or sky, water-colored, transparent

'aib goyaa-giir

عیب جو


harmed by water (of river)


water course, waterway, water canal


passage of a river, ford, ferry, an expeditious messenger, courier, an express




کچے انگوروں یا کسی ترش میوے کا افشردہ، آبشورہ

be-diyaa salaa.ii sub.h ko ga.ii shaam ko aa.ii

بہت غیر حاضر رہنے والے لے لیے مستعمل

hazaaro.n be-nuqt sunaa.uu.n gaa

بہت سی گالیاں دوں گا

buu ga.ii , buu-daar ga.ii , rahii khaal kii khaal

شان و شوکت جاتی رہی اصلی حالت رہ گئی.

aab-aab kar mar ga.e sirhaane dharaa rahaa paanii

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

aab-aab kar mar ga.e sirhaane dharaa rahaa paanii

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

aab-aab karte mar ga.e sirhaane dharaa rahaa paani

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

aab-aab kar mar ga.e sirhaane rahaa paani

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aib-go in English, Hindi & Urdu


'ऐब-गोعَیب گو

Vazn : 212

English meaning of 'aib-go

Persian, Arabic - Adjective

  • slanderer

'ऐब-गो के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - विशेषण

  • दोष बतानेवाला, दोष निकालनेवाला, बुराई बयान करने वाला

عَیب گو کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی - صفت

  • برائی بیان کرنے والا

Urdu meaning of 'aib-go

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • buraa.ii byaan karne vaala

Related searched words




evil speaking, scandalizing


blue color, shining, watery, the color of water or sky, water-colored, transparent

'aib goyaa-giir

عیب جو


harmed by water (of river)


water course, waterway, water canal


passage of a river, ford, ferry, an expeditious messenger, courier, an express




کچے انگوروں یا کسی ترش میوے کا افشردہ، آبشورہ

be-diyaa salaa.ii sub.h ko ga.ii shaam ko aa.ii

بہت غیر حاضر رہنے والے لے لیے مستعمل

hazaaro.n be-nuqt sunaa.uu.n gaa

بہت سی گالیاں دوں گا

buu ga.ii , buu-daar ga.ii , rahii khaal kii khaal

شان و شوکت جاتی رہی اصلی حالت رہ گئی.

aab-aab kar mar ga.e sirhaane dharaa rahaa paanii

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

aab-aab kar mar ga.e sirhaane dharaa rahaa paanii

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

aab-aab karte mar ga.e sirhaane dharaa rahaa paani

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

aab-aab kar mar ga.e sirhaane rahaa paani

remark said when someone forgets their origins or real self and adopts alien way, e.g. speaking in Persian to people who do not know it

Showing search results for: English meaning of aibgo

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