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Showing results for "a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii"

a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

مصیبت کس کی کس کو اٹھانا پڑا

a.Dii d.Dii sab qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for others' mistakes

a.Dii dha.Dii sab qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for other's mistakes

a.Dii dha.Dii qaazii jii ke sar pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for other's mistakes

a.Dii dha.Dii qaazii ke sir pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for other's mistakes

a.De da.De qaazii ke sar pa.De

the sins of parents visit their children, one does the harm another gets the blame

Meaning ofSee meaning a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii in English, Hindi & Urdu

a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

अड़ी दड़ी क़ाज़ी के सर पड़ीاَڑی دَڑی قاضی کے سَر پَڑی


अड़ी दड़ी क़ाज़ी के सर पड़ी के हिंदी अर्थ

  • मुसीबत किस की किस को उठाना पड़ा

اَڑی دَڑی قاضی کے سَر پَڑی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • مصیبت کس کی کس کو اٹھانا پڑا

Urdu meaning of a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • musiibat kis kii kis ko uThaanaa pa.Daa

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a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

مصیبت کس کی کس کو اٹھانا پڑا

a.Dii d.Dii sab qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for others' mistakes

a.Dii dha.Dii sab qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for other's mistakes

a.Dii dha.Dii qaazii jii ke sar pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for other's mistakes

a.Dii dha.Dii qaazii ke sir pa.Dii

allusion to a situation in which a person is unjustly held responsible for other's mistakes

a.De da.De qaazii ke sar pa.De

the sins of parents visit their children, one does the harm another gets the blame

Showing search results for: English meaning of adee dadee qaazee ke sar padee, English meaning of adee dadee qazee ke sar padee

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a.Dii da.Dii qaazii ke sar pa.Dii

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