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now, at this moment, right now


to interpret a dream





being sad or melancholy




a woollen cloak or habit, very loose, and open in front all the way down the center (not unlike a boat-cloak, it is usually of a black colour with stripes, and is worn by dervises or faqrrs




genius, exceptionally intelligent person


mixture of perfumes compounded with musk, saffron, sandalwood, and rose, a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi, saffron, ambergris



a mixture of perfumes compounded with saffron, a kind of powder used at the saturnalia of the holi, saffron, ambergris


slave, bondsman, servant, follower


testy, irascible, touchy



crossing a stretch of land or water, climbing and crossing a hill or mountain, etc.




name of four intimate friends of Muhammad of the name of 'Abdu'Ilah


Abbasids, the name of a dynasty of Muslim rulers descended from Hazrat Abbas, Prophet Muhammad's uncle



slightly scented or perfumed




an island's name in the Persian Gulf



ill-temper, testiness





a Muslim sect



Abdullah-name of father of Prophet Mohammad



yellow narcissus



'abas ko


greedy, coveting, covetous, desirous, very desircus



جولاہے کا تانا بانا



genius, exceptional intellectual and creative power



'abaa o.Dhnaa

'abas karnaa








worldly man



greedy, avaricious



the primordial man



'abdulhaq kaa tosha


Meaning ofSee meaning 'ab in English, Hindi & Urdu



Also Read As - 'abb

Origin: Arabic

'अब के हिंदी अर्थ


  • बार-बार पानी पीना, मुँह भर- भर के खाना।।

Showing search results for: English meaning of ab

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