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Showing results for "allaah"


employee, someone hired, servant, wage worker


موسمِ بہار کی دیوی


surfeit, difficult work

ajiiran ko ajiiran hii Thele, nahii.n to sar chohaTTe khele

طاقتور کا طاقتور ہی مقابلہ کر سکتا ہے کمزور کرے تو جان سے جائے


impotent (man or stallion)

ajiiran karnaa

make extremely difficult

ajiiran honaa

to be sickening, nauseating, wearying, to be surfeited, to be glutted, to be produced in abundance, to abound

Compound words of allaah


Origin: Arabic

Urdu compound words with 'allaah'

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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