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Showing results for "کمبھ"


pitcher, dome, constellation, sign of a zodiac

kumbh kaa melaa

Kumbh Mela, Hindu religious festival held once every twelve years


ہردوار کا میلہ جو بارہ سال کے بعد لگتا ہے ، کُمبھ کا میلا .


Hinduism: in Pranayama, the action of stopping nose and mouth breathing


Hindu festival celebrated every six years near the confluence of the Ganges and Jamuna

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Showing results for "کمبھ"


pitcher, dome, constellation, sign of a zodiac

kumbh kaa melaa

Kumbh Mela, Hindu religious festival held once every twelve years


ہردوار کا میلہ جو بارہ سال کے بعد لگتا ہے ، کُمبھ کا میلا .


Hinduism: in Pranayama, the action of stopping nose and mouth breathing


Hindu festival celebrated every six years near the confluence of the Ganges and Jamuna

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