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Showing results for "بھانجی"


intervention to someone's disadvantage, putting a spoke in the works


one who puts a spoke in the works


interrupter, mar-plot, tale-bearer

bhaa.njii denaa

to interfere, meddle, to interrupt, obstruct, break in (upon), put a stop (to), to thwart, frustrate, to give malicious intelligence, tell tales (of)

bhaa.njii khaanaa

رک : بھان٘جی دینا .

bhaa.njii maarnaa

frustrate, thwart, obstruct, put a stop to

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Showing results for "بھانجی"


intervention to someone's disadvantage, putting a spoke in the works


one who puts a spoke in the works


interrupter, mar-plot, tale-bearer

bhaa.njii denaa

to interfere, meddle, to interrupt, obstruct, break in (upon), put a stop (to), to thwart, frustrate, to give malicious intelligence, tell tales (of)

bhaa.njii khaanaa

رک : بھان٘جی دینا .

bhaa.njii maarnaa

frustrate, thwart, obstruct, put a stop to

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