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Showing results for "آریہ"


the people who invaded northern India about 4,000 years ago and spoke an Indo-European language, an ancient Asian civilization of Indo-Iranian, the member of ancient Aryan people, (in Nazi ideology) a people of Caucasian race not of Jewish descent, Aryan


شہنشاہ ایران كا ملی لقب

aarya samaaj

a hindu sect


"ancient name of India in classical Sanskrit literature. Arya in Sanskrit means ""noble"" and not to be confused with the term Aryan which was introduced by colonialists.


آریہ قوم کا فرد، آریہ لوگ


آریہ سماج (رک) سے منسوب: آریہ سماج كا پیرو۔


ہندوستان کی وہ نسل یا قوم جو ہندی اور آریا سے مخلوط ہے ۔

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Showing results for "آریہ"


the people who invaded northern India about 4,000 years ago and spoke an Indo-European language, an ancient Asian civilization of Indo-Iranian, the member of ancient Aryan people, (in Nazi ideology) a people of Caucasian race not of Jewish descent, Aryan


شہنشاہ ایران كا ملی لقب

aarya samaaj

a hindu sect


"ancient name of India in classical Sanskrit literature. Arya in Sanskrit means ""noble"" and not to be confused with the term Aryan which was introduced by colonialists.


آریہ قوم کا فرد، آریہ لوگ


آریہ سماج (رک) سے منسوب: آریہ سماج كا پیرو۔


ہندوستان کی وہ نسل یا قوم جو ہندی اور آریا سے مخلوط ہے ۔

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