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Showing results for "nekii"


indecision, hesitation, vacillation

pas-o-pesh karnaa

to shuffle, prevaricate, boggle, dilly-dally

pas-o-pesh sochnaa

consider the pros and cons

pas-o-pesh me.n pa.Dnaa

فکر مند ہونا.


vacillation, indecision



without any hesitation, immediately

dil kaa pas-o-pesh karnaa

کسی کام میں ہچکچاہٹ محسوس کرنا ، طِبیعیت ہچکچکانا

Proverbs of nekii


Origin: Persian

Urdu proverbs with 'nekii'

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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