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Showing results for "ziist talKH karnaa"


in a distracted state (of mind), desperately (in love), demented, obsessed, desperate, mad


distracted, mad, frantic, desperately in love, faint, dejected, rebellion


pen name - Wahshat the frenzied poet


frenzied mind, the mind that going mad in fall of love, the mind of lover


graces of a beloved that are heart pleasing

Meaning ofSee meaning ziist talKH karnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

ziist talKH karnaa

ज़ीस्त तल्ख़ करनाزِیسْت تَلْخ کَرْنا


English meaning of ziist talKH karnaa

Persian, Hindi - Compound Verb

  • to make one's life miserable

ज़ीस्त तल्ख़ करना के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, हिंदी - यौगिक क्रिया

  • एसी पीड़ा देना कि जीवन का सारा मज़ा ख़त्म हो जाए, जीना मुश्किल कर देना

زِیسْت تَلْخ کَرْنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، ہندی - فعل مرکب

  • ایسی تکلیف دینا کہ جینے کا لُطف نہ رہے، زِندگی دُوبھر کرنا

Urdu meaning of ziist talKH karnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • a.isii takliif denaa ki jiine ka lutaf na rahe, zindgii duu.obhar karnaa

Related searched words


in a distracted state (of mind), desperately (in love), demented, obsessed, desperate, mad


distracted, mad, frantic, desperately in love, faint, dejected, rebellion


pen name - Wahshat the frenzied poet


frenzied mind, the mind that going mad in fall of love, the mind of lover


graces of a beloved that are heart pleasing

Showing search results for: English meaning of jist talkh karna, English meaning of jist talkh karnaa

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