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Showing results for "zaat-e-'irq"


(Botany) fibril, fibrils of trees and leaves


related to 'irq


to having nerve


it is the dried root of a small tree which is uses in Dysentery


guinea worm, dracunculiasis, a very long parasitic nematode worm which lives under the skin of infected humans and other mammals in rural Africa and Asia


sciatica, pain in the lower part of the back and the back of the legs


name of a place where Iraqis arriving in Mecca wear the Ihram

Meaning ofSee meaning zaat-e-'irq in English, Hindi & Urdu


ज़ात-ए-'इर्क़ذاتِ عِرْق

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2221

English meaning of zaat-e-'irq

Noun, Masculine

  • name of a place where Iraqis arriving in Mecca wear the Ihram

ज़ात-ए-'इर्क़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • एक जगह का नाम जहाँ इराक़ से मक्का की ओर आने वाले लोग एहराम बाँधते हैं

    उदाहरण इनके आलावा एक और मक़ाम है जो ज़ात-ए-'इर्क़ के नाम से मश्हूर है।

    विशेष एहराम= हाजियों का पहनने के लिए बिना सिला परिधान धारण करना और सुगंध इत्यादि का त्याग कर देना, हाजियों का विशेष वस्त्र

ذاتِ عِرْق کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • ایک جگہ کا نام جہاں عراق سے مکہ معظمہ کی جانب آنے والے لوگ احرام باندھتے ہیں

    مثال ان کے علاوہ ایک اور مقام ہے جو ذات عرق کے نام سے مشہور ہے۔

Urdu meaning of zaat-e-'irq

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ek jagah ka naam jahaa.n iraaq se makkaa muazzmaa kii jaanib aane vaale log ehraam baandhte hai.n

Related searched words


(Botany) fibril, fibrils of trees and leaves


related to 'irq


to having nerve


it is the dried root of a small tree which is uses in Dysentery


guinea worm, dracunculiasis, a very long parasitic nematode worm which lives under the skin of infected humans and other mammals in rural Africa and Asia


sciatica, pain in the lower part of the back and the back of the legs


name of a place where Iraqis arriving in Mecca wear the Ihram

Showing search results for: English meaning of jaateirq, English meaning of jateirq

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