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Showing results for "vajaahat"


greatness, magnitude


greatness of Socrates and Christ


glory of the past


honorable, glorious, dignified, venerable, respectable, respected


شان و شوکت


honorable, glorious, dignified, venerable, respectable, respected

'azamat karnaa

to respect, regard, glorify, revere, exalted


شان و شوکت اور مرتبہ


شان و شوکت


شان و شوکت اور مرتبہ

'azmat me.n ham-sar-e-aasmaan honaa

to reach the zenith of glory and greatness


عرشی جیسی عظمت والا، عالی مرتبت، بلند پایہ، نہایت اعلیٰ

KHidmat se 'azmat hai

(said of a servant in reverence of his master) I'm fortunate to serve you!

KHidmat se 'azmat hai

(said of a servant in reverence of his master) I'm fortunate to serve you!

KHidmat se 'azmat hai

(said of a servant in reverence of his master) I'm fortunate to serve you!

aasaar-e-'azmat chehre se zaahir honaa

بزرگی یا بڑائی چہرے سے معلوم ہونا

Meaning ofSee meaning vajaahat in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 122

Word Family: v-j-h

English meaning of vajaahat

Noun, Feminine

  • elegance, personality, appearance, beauty, domination, dignity, respect, respectability, authority

Looking for similar sounding words?

vazaahat (وَضاحَت)

(Lexical) clearness, purity

Sher Examples

वजाहत के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • सुन्दरता, चेहरे की रौनक, हुस्न, सम्मान, दबदबा, चेहरे का तेज, मुखश्री, मुखकांति, चेहरे की आबोताब, प्रतिष्ठा, मान्यता, इज्ज़त

وَجاہَت کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • چہرے کا رعب، چہرے کی روشنی، قابل احترام ہونا نیز عزت و حرمت، احترام، بزرگی، توقیر، وقار، رعب، دبدبہ، بھاری بھر کم پن، مقتدرت، حکومت، اقتدار، عہدہ، اختیار، خوبصورتی، چہرے کی رونق، خوب روئی، خوش وضعی، حسن

Urdu meaning of vajaahat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • chehre ka rob, chehre kii roshnii, kaabil-e-ehtiraam honaa niiz izzat-o-hurmat, ehtiraam, bujurgii, tauqiir, vaqaar, rob, dabdabaa, bhaarii bharkam pan, maqatadrat, hukuumat, iqatidaar, ohdaa, iKhatiyaar, Khuubsuurtii, chehre kii raunak, Khuubruu.ii, Khushavazi.i, husn

Compound words of vajaahat

Related searched words


greatness, magnitude


greatness of Socrates and Christ


glory of the past


honorable, glorious, dignified, venerable, respectable, respected


شان و شوکت


honorable, glorious, dignified, venerable, respectable, respected

'azamat karnaa

to respect, regard, glorify, revere, exalted


شان و شوکت اور مرتبہ


شان و شوکت


شان و شوکت اور مرتبہ

'azmat me.n ham-sar-e-aasmaan honaa

to reach the zenith of glory and greatness


عرشی جیسی عظمت والا، عالی مرتبت، بلند پایہ، نہایت اعلیٰ

KHidmat se 'azmat hai

(said of a servant in reverence of his master) I'm fortunate to serve you!

KHidmat se 'azmat hai

(said of a servant in reverence of his master) I'm fortunate to serve you!

KHidmat se 'azmat hai

(said of a servant in reverence of his master) I'm fortunate to serve you!

aasaar-e-'azmat chehre se zaahir honaa

بزرگی یا بڑائی چہرے سے معلوم ہونا

Showing search results for: English meaning of vajahat, English meaning of vazaahat

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