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Showing results for "tasallut"


the highest (the ninth) sphere, the empyrean (where the throne of God is), heaven (as throne of God)


deck of ship



related sky




'arsh hilnaa



angels who carry the throne of God, bearers of the celestial throne



high ranked, supreme, foremost


'arsh hilaanaa






angels who carry the throne of God, bearers of the celestial throne

'arsh kaa TuuTaa

'arsh kaa taaraa

'arsh kaa ToTaa

'arsh par jaanaa

'arsh par honaa

enjoy a very high status, be exalted or elevated to the highest position


'arsh hil jaanaa



'arsh chhuu aanaa

'arsh par jhuulnaa



'arsh par baiThnaa

enjoy a very high status, be exalted or elevated to the highest position

'arsh par biThaanaa

'arsh se utaarnaa

'arsh se jhuulnaa


retinue, magnificence, supreme, uppermost, best


'arsh se farsh tak

all over the universe


'arsh kaa taaraa honaa

'arsh par par maarnaa

'arsh kaa paaya hilnaa

'arsh kaa taaraa utarnaa

'arsh ke taare TuuTnaa


'arsh se le farsh tak


(met.) the human heart

'arsh kaa taaraa utar aanaa

'arsh par pahu.nchnaa

'arsh par pahu.nchaanaa

'arsh me.n jhuulnaa

to be exalted

'arsh par cha.Dhnaa

to get a lot of prestige


'arsh par kursii bichhaanaa

'arsh par cha.Dhaanaa

give one a high rank, exalt

'arsh par dimaaG honaa

be highly conceited, be proud or haughty


'arsh par dimaaG rakhnaa

'arsh kii zanjiir hilnaa


Meaning ofSee meaning tasallut in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 122

Word Family: s-l-l-t

English meaning of tasallut

Noun, Masculine


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तसल्लुत के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

تَسَلُّط کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • غلبہ، حکومت، زور

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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