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Showing results for "taqviim-e-ahsan"


holy men, devotees, servants, slaves


devotion, adoration






devotee, worshipper


اللہ کے بندے ، بندگانِ خدا.


a place of worship, a mosque, a temple, a church


place of worship, temple, shrine, hermitage, monastic cell


prayers, acts of worship


worshiper, devotee, pious, godly


places of worship


places for worship


worshipping, devout, pious, worshipper, votary, one who offers prayers


place of worship


physical worship, physical austerity, worship that affects the body






necessary worships


like worshiper

'ibaadat miTaanaa

do not accept worship


hard worships like summer lent or fast or waking all night in prayers and worship

'ibaadat chhuuTnaa

abandoning the worship of God

'ibaadat chho.Dnaa

abandoning the worship of God

'ibaadat-badar kar denaa

do not accept worship

'ibaadat karnaa

to worship

'ibaadat radd karnaa

worship not getting approval, to make ineffective


the right of common people


rights of human beings


بندوں کی اکثریت، عوام میں سے زیادہ لوگ، عوام الناس


lowest of the God's creatures (an expression of humility)


प्रजापाल, जनता की देखरेख करनेवाला।


عِبادت کرنے والوں کی جگہ، نیک بندوں کا گھر، عَبادت گُزاروں کا شہر


(Lexical) very weak, very feeble


the right of a slave


right of an injured individual to redress or justice

Meaning ofSee meaning taqviim-e-ahsan in English, Hindi & Urdu


तक़्वीम-ए-अहसनتَق٘وِیمِ اَح٘سَن

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22222

Tags: Anthropology

English meaning of taqviim-e-ahsan

Noun, Feminine

  • best composition or structure, pointing to the a verse of Holy Quran, where mentioned about the creation of human being that, "we have certainly created human being in the best of stature"

तक़्वीम-ए-अहसन के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • सबसे अच्छी रचना या आकार, पवित्र कुरान की एक आयत की ओर इशारा है, जहां मानव के निर्माण के बारे में उल्लेख किया गया है कि, "हमने निश्चित रूप से सबसे अच्छे आकार में मानव बनाया है"

تَق٘وِیمِ اَح٘سَن کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • قرآن پاک کی سورت و التین کی ایک آیت کی طرف اشارہ ہے یہاں تقویم کے لفظی معنی کسی چنز کے قوام اور بنیاد کو درست کرنے کے ہیں مراد یہ کہ اس (انسان) کی جبلت و فطرت کو بھی دوسری مخلوقات کے اعتبار سے دنیا کے سب جانداروں سے بہتر اور حسین بنایا گیا ہے، ساخت اور بناوٹ کے لحاظ سے بہترین سان٘چے میں ڈھالا گیا ہے، احسن تقویم .

Urdu meaning of taqviim-e-ahsan

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • quraan-e-paak kii suurat-o-altiin kii ek aayat kii taraf ishaaraa hai yahaa.n taqviim ke lafzii maanii kisii chanaz ke qavaam aur buniyaad ko darust karne ke hai.n muraad ye ki is (insaan) kii jiblat-o-fitrat ko bhii duusrii maKhluuqaat ke etbaar se duniyaa ke sab jaandaaro.n se behtar aur husain banaayaa gayaa hai, saaKhat aur banaavaT ke lihaaz se behtariin saanche me.n Dhaalaa gayaa hai, ahsne takviim

Related searched words


holy men, devotees, servants, slaves


devotion, adoration






devotee, worshipper


اللہ کے بندے ، بندگانِ خدا.


a place of worship, a mosque, a temple, a church


place of worship, temple, shrine, hermitage, monastic cell


prayers, acts of worship


worshiper, devotee, pious, godly


places of worship


places for worship


worshipping, devout, pious, worshipper, votary, one who offers prayers


place of worship


physical worship, physical austerity, worship that affects the body






necessary worships


like worshiper

'ibaadat miTaanaa

do not accept worship


hard worships like summer lent or fast or waking all night in prayers and worship

'ibaadat chhuuTnaa

abandoning the worship of God

'ibaadat chho.Dnaa

abandoning the worship of God

'ibaadat-badar kar denaa

do not accept worship

'ibaadat karnaa

to worship

'ibaadat radd karnaa

worship not getting approval, to make ineffective


the right of common people


rights of human beings


بندوں کی اکثریت، عوام میں سے زیادہ لوگ، عوام الناس


lowest of the God's creatures (an expression of humility)


प्रजापाल, जनता की देखरेख करनेवाला।


عِبادت کرنے والوں کی جگہ، نیک بندوں کا گھر، عَبادت گُزاروں کا شہر


(Lexical) very weak, very feeble


the right of a slave


right of an injured individual to redress or justice

Showing search results for: English meaning of takvimeahsan, English meaning of taqveemeahsan

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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