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Showing results for "taas-gha.Diyaal"


a round flat plate of bellmetal, used in the East as a bell to strike he hours upon


the man who strikes the hours on a gong (or who announces the time by calling out)



gha.Diyaal kaa kaToraa

a gong for striking the hours on


in the medieval period, a type of time instrument, in which hour was played at a certain times, it was invented by Sultan Firoz Shah

Duube kaToraa piTe gha.Diyaal

Meaning ofSee meaning taas-gha.Diyaal in English, Hindi & Urdu


तास-घड़ियालطاس گَھڑْیال

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 211121

English meaning of taas-gha.Diyaal

Noun, Masculine

  • in the medieval period, a type of time instrument, in which hour was played at a certain times, it was invented by Sultan Firoz Shah

तास-घड़ियाल के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • मध्ययुग में, एक प्रकार का समय सूचक-यंत्र, जिसमें समयों पर घड़ियाल या घंटा भी बजता था जिसे सुलतान फ़िरोज़ शाह ने अविष्कार किया था

طاس گَھڑْیال کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • سلطان فیروز شاہ کا ایجاد کردہ بہت بڑا گھنٹہ جس کو فیروز آباد میں نصب کرنے کا بڑا مقصد یہ تھا کہ گھڑی کے بجانے سے دنیاوی اور دینی فوائد حاصل ہوں

Showing search results for: English meaning of taasghadiyaal, English meaning of taasghariyaal

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