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Showing results for "sohbat-e-saaleh turaa saaleh kunad, sohbat-e-taaleh turaa taaleh kunad"


one who willingly hazards his life for another, one who volunteers or risks his life in any perilous service, offering oneself as ransom or victim, a forlorn hope, lover


devotion, loyalty, dedication, sacrifice

Meaning ofSee meaning sohbat-e-saaleh turaa saaleh kunad, sohbat-e-taaleh turaa taaleh kunad in English, Hindi & Urdu

sohbat-e-saaleh turaa saaleh kunad, sohbat-e-taaleh turaa taaleh kunad

सोहबत-ए-सालेह तुरा सालेह कुनद, सोहबत-ए-तालेह तुरा तालेह कुनदصُحْبَتِ صالِح تُرا صالِح کُنَد، صُحْبَتِ طالِح تُرا طالِح کُنَد


सोहबत-ए-सालेह तुरा सालेह कुनद, सोहबत-ए-तालेह तुरा तालेह कुनद के हिंदी अर्थ

  • (मौलाना रुम का फ़ारसी शेअर उर्दू में बतौर कहावत मुस्तामल) नेक की सोहबत तुझे नेक और बद की सोहबत बद बनाएगी

صُحْبَتِ صالِح تُرا صالِح کُنَد، صُحْبَتِ طالِح تُرا طالِح کُنَد کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • (مولانا روم کا فارسی شعر اردو میں بطور کہاوت مستعمل) نیک کی صحبت تجھے نیک اور بد کی صحبت بد بنائے گی.

Urdu meaning of sohbat-e-saaleh turaa saaleh kunad, sohbat-e-taaleh turaa taaleh kunad

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (maulaanaa rum ka faarsii shear urduu me.n bataur kahaavat mustaamal) nek kii sohbat tujhe nek aur bad kii sohbat bad banaa.egii

Related searched words


one who willingly hazards his life for another, one who volunteers or risks his life in any perilous service, offering oneself as ransom or victim, a forlorn hope, lover


devotion, loyalty, dedication, sacrifice

Showing search results for: English meaning of sohbatesaaleh turaa saaleh kunad, English meaning of sohbatetaaleh turaa taaleh kunad

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sohbat-e-saaleh turaa saaleh kunad, sohbat-e-taaleh turaa taaleh kunad

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