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hereafter life after death, the next world

aaKHirat kaa zaad-e-raah

good deeds, worship

aaKHirat ban.naa

aaKHirat banaanaa

aaKHirat sa.nvarnaa

to make a result better

aaKHirat biga.Dnaa

to make someone's work futile

aaKHirat bigaa.Dnaa

do an evil deed so as to mar one's future life

aaKHirat kaa bhalaa

forgiveness from sins

aaKHirat kii KHair

forgiveness from sins

aaKHirat kaa saudaa

good deeds that are the wherewithal of the hereafter

aaKHirat sa.nvaarnaa

do good deeds that ensure salvation in the hereafter

aaKHirat kii kamaa.ii

good deeds, good works, kind deeds, kind acts, good conducts, pious actions, righteous deeds


good deeds


provision for the next world, laying up treasure in heaven, good deeds


the harvest of the afterlife, good deeds, bad deeds



the state of the doomsday


a branch of hadith science that deals with the preaching of the Prophethood and covers all kinds of deeds and their punishments



good deeds for the next world



the last journey, the journey to the hereafter, death


doomsday, the day of judgement


the final dress, a shroud



the wherewithal of hereafter


dah dar duniyaa sad dar aaKHirat

charity here will be rewarded manifold in the hereafter

Meaning ofSee meaning sipihr in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Persian

English meaning of sipihr

Noun, Masculine

सिपिह्र के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

سِپِہْر کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • آسمان، فلک، گگن، قسمت، وقت، دنیا

Interesting Information on sipihr

Ever wondered what’s the connection between the word ‘Pahar’ and ‘Pahre-Daar’? In ancient India, ‘Pahar’ used to be the unit of keeping time - with each day consisting of 8 Pahars, and each Pahar as long as 3 hours. During each Pahar, a ‘Pahre-Daar’ would be performing watchmanship, and at the end of each hour, he would strike a metal bell and announce that he was on guard; besides, it was also the way to know what time it was. ‘Pahar’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Prahar’. The word ‘Pahre-Daar’, however, has now been limited to meanings such as watchman, guard, or sentry. In Urdu poetry, the phrases ‘Aath Pahar’, ‘Raat Ke Pichhle Pahar’, and ‘Sih-Pahar’ are abundantly found. Like: sih-pahar hī se koī shakl banātī hai ye shaam ḳhud jo rotī hai mujhe bhī to rulātī hai ye shaam In Persian, ‘Sih’ means three. And, the third Pahar of a day is also known as ‘Sih-Pahar’.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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