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جادو کے اثر کا ، جادو کا بنا ہوا.


food eaten by Mohammedans a little before dawn during the fast of Ramazan

saharii khaa.e so roza rakhe

one who claims right must also perform duty

saharii bhii na khaa.uu.n to kaafir na ho jaa.uu.n

ایک ماما سحری کھا لیتی تھی روزہ نہ رکھتی تھی ، ایک دن مالک نے پوچھا تو یہ جواب دیا ، یعنی دین کی مطلب کی بات مان لی اور تکلیف کی بات چھوڑ دی.

saharii ke giit

a kind of song that is sung to woke up the people who are observing fast before the dawn time


a mirrored lamp, with a large image mounted on the screen in front of the frame, that has now been replaced by a more advanced projector


morning prayer, prayer of Fajr


morning star


رک : سپیدۂ سحر

sitaara-e-saharii chamaknaa

دن نکلنے کے قریب ہونا

jo sahrii khaa.e so rozaa rakhe

he must suffer pain who stands to gain


lamp of the morning that is about to extinguish


food eaten by Mohammedans a little before dawn during the fast of Ramazan

jo sahrii khaa.e vahii roza rakhe

he must suffer pain who has stood to gain, one who claims right must also perform duty

mai.n to charaaG saharii huu.n

بہت مڈھا ہوں، قریب المرگ ہوں


a lamp that is about to extinguish in the morning


morning breeze, zephyr


glow of morning


morning breeze


namaz which is offer before sunrise i.e. at dawn, prayer of dawn, morning prayer


the morning drum, the drum which is beaten at the morning


morning star

roza rakhe na namaaz pa.Dhe saharii bhii na khaa.e to kaafir ho jaa.e

this saying belongs to those who follow the sensual desire, the other costumes are not necessary but the Sahari is

roza rakhe na namaaz pa.Dhe saharii bhii na khaa.e to mahaz kaafir ho jaa.e

this saying belongs to those who follow the sensual desire, the other costumes are not necessary but the Sahari is

namaaz nahii.n roza nahii.n saharii bhii na ho to nire kaafir ban jaa.e.nge

اگر بہت سا غیر ممکن ہو تو تھوڑا سا سہی، ایسے موقع پر مستعمل جب کسی مذہبی تعلیم پر عمل اپنے مفاد میں ہو

roze rakhe.n na namaaz pa.Dhe.n, saharii bhii na khaa.e.n to kaafir ho jaa.e.n

نفس پرورں کا مقولہ ہے.

Meaning ofSee meaning sihrii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 22

English meaning of sihrii

Noun, Feminine

  • an act of shuddering, tremble, shiver

Looking for similar sounding words?

sihrii (سِحْری)

جادو کے اثر کا ، جادو کا بنا ہوا.

सिहरी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • सिहरने की क्रिया या भाव, सिहरन, सरदी के कारण होनेवाली कँपकँपी, कपकपाहट, सर्दी, थरथरी

سِہْری کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • کپکپاہٹ، سردی، تھرتھری

Urdu meaning of sihrii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kapkapaahaT, sardii, thartharii

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جادو کے اثر کا ، جادو کا بنا ہوا.


food eaten by Mohammedans a little before dawn during the fast of Ramazan

saharii khaa.e so roza rakhe

one who claims right must also perform duty

saharii bhii na khaa.uu.n to kaafir na ho jaa.uu.n

ایک ماما سحری کھا لیتی تھی روزہ نہ رکھتی تھی ، ایک دن مالک نے پوچھا تو یہ جواب دیا ، یعنی دین کی مطلب کی بات مان لی اور تکلیف کی بات چھوڑ دی.

saharii ke giit

a kind of song that is sung to woke up the people who are observing fast before the dawn time


a mirrored lamp, with a large image mounted on the screen in front of the frame, that has now been replaced by a more advanced projector


morning prayer, prayer of Fajr


morning star


رک : سپیدۂ سحر

sitaara-e-saharii chamaknaa

دن نکلنے کے قریب ہونا

jo sahrii khaa.e so rozaa rakhe

he must suffer pain who stands to gain


lamp of the morning that is about to extinguish


food eaten by Mohammedans a little before dawn during the fast of Ramazan

jo sahrii khaa.e vahii roza rakhe

he must suffer pain who has stood to gain, one who claims right must also perform duty

mai.n to charaaG saharii huu.n

بہت مڈھا ہوں، قریب المرگ ہوں


a lamp that is about to extinguish in the morning


morning breeze, zephyr


glow of morning


morning breeze


namaz which is offer before sunrise i.e. at dawn, prayer of dawn, morning prayer


the morning drum, the drum which is beaten at the morning


morning star

roza rakhe na namaaz pa.Dhe saharii bhii na khaa.e to kaafir ho jaa.e

this saying belongs to those who follow the sensual desire, the other costumes are not necessary but the Sahari is

roza rakhe na namaaz pa.Dhe saharii bhii na khaa.e to mahaz kaafir ho jaa.e

this saying belongs to those who follow the sensual desire, the other costumes are not necessary but the Sahari is

namaaz nahii.n roza nahii.n saharii bhii na ho to nire kaafir ban jaa.e.nge

اگر بہت سا غیر ممکن ہو تو تھوڑا سا سہی، ایسے موقع پر مستعمل جب کسی مذہبی تعلیم پر عمل اپنے مفاد میں ہو

roze rakhe.n na namaaz pa.Dhe.n, saharii bhii na khaa.e.n to kaafir ho jaa.e.n

نفس پرورں کا مقولہ ہے.

Showing search results for: English meaning of sihree, English meaning of sihri

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