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Showing results for "shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa"


a sum of money exacted by an authority, fine, penalty

jurmaana denaa

pay a fine

jurmaana mu'aaf karnaa

remit a fine or penalty



jurmaana karnaa

to impose fine

jurmaana Tho.nk Daalnaa

fine, impose a fine or penalty

jurmaana Daalnaa

to recover the amount of punishment or penalty

jurmaana bharnaa

to pay a penalty or fine


fine collection department, the place where fine is to be collected


penalty for love

jurmaanaa Tho.nk denaa

fine, impose a fine or penalty


a sum of money exacted by an authority, fine, penalty

zor maan.naa

کسی کی قوّت کا قائل ہونا، لوہا ماننا


amount of fine, fine



jariimaana Tho.nknaa

جرمانہ کرنا.

jariimaana Daalnaa

رک : جریمانہ ٹھونکنا.

Meaning ofSee meaning shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa in English, Hindi & Urdu

shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa

शब-बरात का घड़ाشَب بَرات كا گَھڑا

English meaning of shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa

Noun, Masculine

  • it is ritual among Muslims that on the day of Shabb-Barat they organize a "Fatiha' reciting and then distributed the food between beggars

शब-बरात का घड़ा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • मुस्लमानों में यह प्रथा प्रचलित है कि शब्ब-बरात के दिन मृतकों का फ़ातिहा पढ़ कर भिक्षुकों को खाना खिलाते हैं

شَب بَرات كا گَھڑا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • مسلمانوں میں رسم ہے كہ شب برات كے دن مُردوں كا فاتحہ پڑھ كر مسكینوں كو كھانا كھلاتے ہیں

Urdu meaning of shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • muslmaano.n me.n rasm hai ki shabb-e-baraat ke din murdo.n ka faatiha pa.Dh kar miskiino.n ko khaanaa khilaate hai.n

Related searched words


a sum of money exacted by an authority, fine, penalty

jurmaana denaa

pay a fine

jurmaana mu'aaf karnaa

remit a fine or penalty



jurmaana karnaa

to impose fine

jurmaana Tho.nk Daalnaa

fine, impose a fine or penalty

jurmaana Daalnaa

to recover the amount of punishment or penalty

jurmaana bharnaa

to pay a penalty or fine


fine collection department, the place where fine is to be collected


penalty for love

jurmaanaa Tho.nk denaa

fine, impose a fine or penalty


a sum of money exacted by an authority, fine, penalty

zor maan.naa

کسی کی قوّت کا قائل ہونا، لوہا ماننا


amount of fine, fine



jariimaana Tho.nknaa

جرمانہ کرنا.

jariimaana Daalnaa

رک : جریمانہ ٹھونکنا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of shabbaraat kaa ghadaa, English meaning of shabbaraat kaa gharaa

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